Top 5 Ways to Help Kids avoid Procrastination
03-09-2015 | Posted By: Admin | 1075 View(s)
“I will do it later “is often heard from children when they are given some household chores or do their homework. To a certain extent, this is normal -many of us have a tendency to put off things until tomorrow what we don’t want to do today.
Gradually, procrastination becomes our habit, and we turn out to be someone who has an established, disabling pattern of procrastination fuelled by an underlying issue. For parents, dealing with it becomes necessary before it affects their children’s life. Don’t worry these steps can help you in dealing with your child’s problem of procrastination.
1. Get to know your Child’s views
It is very important to know how your child views themselves, their expectations from themselves and the reality of the situation. You need to ask them “What is your ambition in life and how are you going to fulfil it? What will happen if they don’t accomplish the task given to them in school or at home?”
It is very necessary for you to know your child’s thought process, and then only you can help them in a better way.
2. Make Your Expectations Clear to them
Sometimes kids overestimate parental expectations, so it is very important for you to clarify it. For example, many parents want their child to put all the effort in work given to them and child may think that they only expect good grades.
Every child is different. Some can easily do their home work as well as their chores also and some struggle with their daily routine only. So we have to be patient and calmly tell them what is expected from them.
3. Tutor Your Child about Procrastination
Sometimes our children are filled with the fear of failure which often spirals into series of unrealistic, irrational and worst case consequence. It is called catastrophic thinking. This contributes to procrastination, and this kind of thinking can lead to outbursts of bad behaviour. This happens only when they don’t know how to solve their problems. So it’s your time to rescue and coach your child. Teach them to break their tasks into more manageable chunks or set smaller more attainable goals. Help them to follow a plan for tackling their problems.
4. Optimism is the key
Help your child to identify the positive attributes that lead to happiness and success in life-integrity, creativity, skills, passions, for instance. Make them aware of the positive qualities they already possess or are likely to develop. This will boost their self-esteem and instil confidence in them. This will eventually result in getting their work done on time.
5. Share your experience
Nothing can teach your children better than your experiences. When you relate their fears with yours and tell them how you dealt with it, it gives your child new confidence to deal with their problems. The most important and crucial thing is to build trust in them towards you. This will help both of you, the entire life and will go a long way in dealing with problems without getting into the habit of procrastination.