Teach Your Kids Proper Behaviors and Manners

Teach Your Kids Proper Behaviors and Manners

01-04-2015   |   Posted By: Admin   |   1745 View(s)

Children attend school to learn how to read and write and are also taught about religion but learning proper behaviours and manners should ideally be taught to children at home. It is one of the simplest things to teach your kids, but it is usually not always done by the parents.

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Providing good food and secure shelter is not the only thing you should do for your child. Good behaviours and manners are what must be taught to the kids. After all, which parents do not want well-behaved little infants? So being a parent, you should take care to inculcate such habits amongst children. If you are not confident about teaching these properly to your kids, you may take the help of an expert. But we request you not to avoid teaching the little ones these simple yet necessary lessons of life.

Steps to Teach Behaviors and Manners

Teach your child how to behave not only when they visit some relatives or go to school but also while they are at home. Help them understand the gentle postures and gestures to maintain at the table or on the telephone. Begin with simple steps as follow.

Teach the child to say ‘thank you’ and ‘sorry’: This is an essential thing you should start with. No matter how young your kids are, ask them never to forget to say ‘thank you’ each time they are given any favour. Also remind them to say ‘sorry’ if ever they make any mistake, irrespective of the intensity of the mistake. They must also learn to say ‘please’ while asking for even small favours.

Your child must wait till their turn arrives: Children must be taught not to speak or not to interrupt when somebody else is speaking. Make sure that once you are done with your speech, they are given full attention to be listened to nicely.

They ought to respect everyone: Children learn naturally by seeing, and they articulate their elders only. So show them each time to respect everybody; be it younger ones or elder ones. They must not look down upon the poor or physically disabled people.

Teach your babies, not to touch things without asking: Your children must not touch anything without asking for permission. Tell them that the rule is just the same either in your house or when they visit others.

Politeness should be maintained thoroughly: Your babies at a very young age must be asked to keep polite at every step and everywhere. Teach them how to speak politely and behave in the same way. Everybody loves to interact with nice kids and appreciates them.

Keep calm: If you lose your temper and start yelling, your children will never agree to keep their calm when they are angry with something or someone. So, be conscious of your rage and control it to teach your kids how to stay calm.

Not to stare at things or people: Children are often found pointing at things which are of unusual shapes or colours. Even they do the same when they see people of a different complexion. Teach them with  care that everything is God’s creation, and they must take all equally. Hence, nothing or nobody should be stared at or pointed at by them.

Apart from all these do not forget to teach them table manners and to show love to everyone. A well-behaved and well-mannered kid will always make you feel a proud parent.

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