6 Ways To Strike The Perfect Work Life Balance
16-06-2016 | Posted By: Admin | 2071 View(s)
They say you must stop and smell the roses, and by that they don’t literally mean you have to stop by a garden, but that you must know how to unwind, take a back seat every once in a while and breathe in life rather than being caught up in a vicious 9 to 5 cycle all the time! Yes we are talking about work life Balance
Carrying your laptop to a friend’s party or discussing matters related to work at the dinner table is unhealthy for the mind and soul, and while having a great career is important, it should not come at the cost of you losing yourself or your loved ones!
Sadly, the age we live in is driven by fierce competition, deadlines and work pressure. However, despite the rigorous routines we usually fall prey to, it is extremely important to maintain a balance between work and one’s personal life to sustain a healthy and happy lifestyle.
6 ways in which you can achieve the Perfect Work Life Balance!
Arrive And Leave On Time:
Make sure you prioritise your responsibilities in such a way that you reach office on time, get your work done and leave when the rest of the office leaves. Staying for long hours at work does not mean you are super-efficient, but on the contrary, may reflect the lack of efficiency and poor time management skills.
Allocate half an hour each day for friends and family:
Just like you take out time to hit the gym or watch your favourite TV show after dinner, make sure you squeeze a minimum of 30 minutes to catch up with your friends over the phone or better yet, meet them for coffee on your way back from the office. This will refresh you and will help you stay afloat socially.
Do what you love:
Whether it’s reading a book, playing basketball, or cooking, give yourself some time. We usually underestimate the 24 hours we have at hand and don’t realise the amount of time we waste on silly things. Put those ‘wasted minutes’ to some good use by indulging in an activity that feeds your mind as well as the soul. This will avoid you from feeling burnt out at work and will also widen your mental capacity beyond the mundane official chores.
Let Weekends Be Weekends for a Healthy Work Life Balance:
Taking additional work over the weekends is something we all are guilty of from time to time, but unless your career or life depends on it, let it be a task for Monday and not for Saturday or Sunday. Push yourself and get out there, meet up with friends for lunch or tea, and make it a point to connect with those who are close to you. Time is short, and while great jobs may come and go, the people who have seen you at your worst and best cannot be replaced.
Get Rid of Distractions during a Vacation:
If you have planned a 2-week vacation with your family or friends, turn off the phone and let the laptop lie shut. Vacations are some of the best memories we carry with us to our graves, so don’t let those unnecessary calls from work or colleagues get in the way of your holiday, and make every minute spent away from home count for a Perfect Work Life Balance
Don’t Eat At Your Desk:
One of the worst things you can do to yourself is eating a hot and scrumptious meal while simultaneously working on a powerpoint presentation! Stop. Breathe. Take that 40-minute lunch break, as it is a necessity provided in the form of a benefit by your office, and enjoy eating good and wholesome food while engaging in light chit chat with co-workers. This will keep you sane, healthy and more productive.