5 Shocking signs of Phone Addiction!

5 Shocking signs of Phone Addiction!

03-07-2017   |   Posted By: Rajni Joshi   |   2475 View(s)

Phones have become so influential in our lives that we can not even step out of our house without them. Phone addiction is referred to as a behavioural disorder wherein there’s excessive use of cell phone. What about you? Ask yourself now!

– Do you check your phone every second?

– Do you capture each moment in your daily selfie?

– Do you avoid face to face interaction?

– Do you give more importance to texting and social media over a phone call?

If you can relate to any of these questions, then you might be addicted to your phone! These may be considered as the common symptoms of phone addiction.

We can skip talking to our family members, but we do not miss checking our phone. Why are we giving more importance to any gadget over our loved once? People are so much addicted to their phones that they even use it on their date! Although there are huge benefits of a phone as it has enabled us to know about what’s happening around, it has connected us with the world but don’t you feel we lack that connection with our family and friends? Many such symptoms can indicate your phone addiction! Want to know more about these? Let us explore!

Mobile Phone Addiction

The Possible Signs of Phone Addiction:

1. Checking your Phone Frequently

Do you face excessive compulsion to check your phone? There are a lot of people who have an urge to check their phones frequently without any reason. Even if there is no new notification, they often check if there’s something!. If you do so, you may be suffering from phone addiction. There’s an unusual attachment to your phone. A study, commissioned by Nokia concluded that the average person checks their phone every six minutes.

2. Insomnia

People addicted to cell phones are found to be less social! Although, they are very active on social media but give less importance to their personal and family relationships. You should focus on giving rest and peace to your mind and body as soon as you go to bed. Frequently checking your phone and keeping the phone next to your pillow can do more damage than you ever thought! Over-use of any technology may lead to stress, fatigue, low energy levels and lower brain activity.
There is a chemical in our body, melatonin which plays a significant role in the natural sleep-wake cycle. This is the chemical which interprets darkness and light, and a signal is sent to the body when it is night time, the time to take a nap! And when you use your phone at night, the chemical takes this artificial light of phone for daytime. Now you can understand why you find it hard to sleep which results in several sleeping problems including insomnia.

3. Your battery drains Faster than Normal

Ever noticed that your battery does not even last a day? Do you use your phone even if it’s getting charged? Smartphones are equipped with a number of apps and many other entertainment sources, and they consume a lot of your phone’s battery, but it drains faster when it is used continuously. It is a major visible sign of your phone addiction. Does this happen to you?

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4. You are worried about losing your Phone

People with phone addiction seem to be constantly worried about losing their cell phones; they even keep checking their pockets if it’s there or not! They can even scream if they lose their phones even for a second. You must take care of the fact that being constantly worried about losing your cell phone is not a healthy behaviour at all. It can indicate signs of phone addiction.

5. You take your Phone to the Toilet

You might have seen a lot of people who just can not stay away from their phone for a second! People often take their phone to the bathroom! When a person takes the phone to the bathroom, it generally takes longer than usual to come out, and they spend more time with the phone and may sacrifice other important things.

You need to think about it! Are you suffering from this problem of phone addiction? Then you definitely need to work on these areas; we would suggest you spend more time with your loved once than you spend with this device. A cell phone should never replace the importance and attention you give to your family or friends. Make sure you give ample attention to them! Avoid sleeping next to your phone and give equal importance to bedtime! Try including these changes and see remarkable, beautiful changes in your health and relationships!

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