The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs that perform many important body functions. The major function of kidneys is to extract the waste products from the blood. But they also perform many other vital body functions such as regulating blood pressure, producing red blood cells in the body and so on. Kidney Function Test is performed to find out the health of the kidney. . Read more...
The thyroid is commonly known as the butterfly gland and is located below Adam’s apple in the neck. It is one of the most important glands in the body which regulates many of the body’s processes such as energy, metabolism and mood. The thyroid gland produces two major hormones, which are: Triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). When the thyroid gland does not produce these hormones in an appropriate amount, a person may experience sy. Read more...
“Menstruation is something that shouldn’t be talked about” this is the statement that we have been hearing and learning from our mothers and elders at home since long. Although people have become much educated than before but the mindset needs to be changed for sure as discussing this topic remains a taboo. Just because people do not talk about it, such an important issue of menstrual hygiene has been neglected for long. Thus, it becomes. Read more...
Lipids are molecules that make up the building blocks of the structure and function of the living cells. Fats, oils, certain vitamins, hormones, waxes and non-protein membrane of cells are some examples of lipids. They are a group of fats and fat-like substances that are important constituents of cells and sources of energy. Lipids perform many essential body functions and have a crucial role in the proper functioning of the body. Lipids. Read more...
Everybody loves to have a cool, fresh breathe and that is why people focus a lot on dental care. Using mouthwash is also a part of the daily health routine for many people. But, whether mouthwash is good for oral health or not; the topic still remains a debate. Mouthwash is a solution which is used after brushing the teeth to rinse away food particles and plaque from the teeth. The debris and mucus which is located deep inside the throat can als. Read more...
The liver is the largest gland in the human body that sits on the right-hand side of the belly and weighs about 3 pounds. It is a vital organ that performs many essential body functions. The colour of the liver is reddish-brown, and it has a rubbery texture. The liver is protected by the rib cage, which is why usually people cannot feel the liver. The liver is triangular in shape and has two larger sections, which are calle. Read more...
We all love to drink lemon water in the summer season as it not only gives us instant energy but also keeps our body cool. There are many amazing benefits of lemon; they not only add an excellent flavour to a variety of dishes but also help in keeping us healthy and fighting fit. It was extensively used by our Parents and Grandparents and continues to find favour even today because of its numerous benefits. [google_add] Benefits of Lemon an. Read more...
‘Smoking is injurious to health’, is the phrase/warning which most of us would have heard quite a few times. Smoking is one of the most dangerous habits which causes serious health issues, and that's why we should Quit Smoking if we are in the habit of the same. But the issue is how much concern does an active smoker have for such warnings? The smoker is not only causing great harm to their body but also causing problems for their near and. Read more...