Overeating healthy foods could be dangerous to your health!
14-01-2019 | Posted By: Chhavi | 2530 View(s)
Foods that are healthy must be eaten by everyone because they provide us with a lot of health benefits. But doing anything in excess can be harmful, and same is the case with overeating healthy foods. There are many healthy foods that can harm your health if you eat them too much. Here is a list of nutritious and healthy foods that you should consume in moderation or else they will harm your health.
Overeating healthy foods can be dangerous to health. Here is a list of healthy foods that you shouldn’t overeat:
Cinnamon is healthy and is a widely-used spice because it has medicinal properties. Being rich in antioxidants, it helps to fight inflammation and lower blood sugar levels. Cinnamon also reduces the risk of diabetes, heart disease, neurodegenerative disease, and cancer.However, cinnamon also contains high amounts of coumarin which may be harmful when taken in large doses.
There are two major types of cinnamon, with different amounts of coumarin:
• Ceylon: It is also known as the true cinnamon. It is much lower in coumarin.
• Cassia: It is known as regular cinnamon and contains a high amount of coumarin.
The daily intake of coumarin is 0.1 mg per kg of body weight and consuming more than that may cause liver problems and even cancer.
It is not advisable to consume more than 0.5 – 2 gms of Cassia cinnamon per day. You can eat up to five grams (1 teaspoon) of Ceylon cinnamon per day.
You can eat more than that occasionally, but if you overeat cinnamon frequently, it can lead to health problems.
2. Coffee
Coffee is a delicious beverage that is loaded with active compounds and antioxidants. It also has a lot of health benefits and reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes, neurodegenerative disease and liver diseases.
Caffeine is a powerful ingredient and is also one of the active ingredients in coffee, and each cup of coffee contains an average of 80 – 120 mg of caffeine.
Daily consumption of 400 mg is considered to be safe. But, taking more than 500 mg per day can cause insomnia, irritability, muscle tremors, stomach cramps, and heart palpitations.
3. Cruciferous Vegetables
Overeating healthy foods like cruciferous vegetables can harm your health. Cruciferous vegetables include cabbage, collard greens, Brussels sprouts, broccoli and kale. They are a family of greens and have been linked with several health benefits. Cruciferous vegetables reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer.
Thiocyanates are compounds present in these vegetables and can affect the body’s ability to absorb iodine. This may lead to hypothyroidism, a condition characterised by an underactive thyroid gland. The symptoms of hypothyroidism include weight gain, dry skin, reduced energy levels, and constipation.
Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli are highly healthy and nutritious. But eating these vegetables too much can contribute to thyroid problems.
4. Green Tea
Green tea has become a popular beverage now, and many people drink a cup of green tea early morning to stay healthy and fit. It has powerful antioxidants that offer us a lot of health benefits and help keep diseases like cancer, heart disease, and inflammation at bay.
However, green tea contains tannins that can interfere with the absorption of non-heme iron, so if you are at risk of iron deficiency or have low iron levels, then you should avoid drinking green tea.
5. Brazil Nuts
Brazil nuts are an excellent sources of selenium. However, it can be toxic in high amounts. The recommended daily intake of selenium is about 50 – 70 micrograms per day for adults. One large Brazil nut contain up to 95 micrograms of selenium, and this is more than the recommended daily amounts for adults, and approximately more than three times the amount required by kids.
Taking too much selenium can cause digestive issues, cognitive disabilities, and loss of hair and nails.
Do not eat more than one brazil nut per day if you want to stay healthy and fit.
6. Omega-3 and Fish Oils
Eating omega-3 fatty acids is good for our health because they help to fight inflammation and play a vital role in brain development. They also assist a lot in reducing the risk of heart disease and obesity.
The most common supplements of omega-3 include omega-3 capsules which are produced from fish, fish liver and algae.
There is no doubt at all that it is healthy food. However, overeating healthy foods can be dangerous and toxic, and the same goes for Omega-3 fatty acids.
The recommended dose ranges from one to six grams per day but taking more than that every day may have blood-thinning effects even in healthy individuals.
Also, consuming high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids can result in excessive vitamin A intake, which in turn may cause vitamin A toxicity. This can be harmful especially to children and pregnant women.
7. Nutmeg
Nutmeg is generally used in foods like cakes, eggnog, and puddings. It contains a compound known as myristicin, which is a psychoactive substance.
If taken in lower doses, it provides a good flavour to meals without affecting them. However, in large doses, nutmeg may also cause myristicin poisoning.
The harmful effects of myristic poisoning include heart arrhythmias, dizziness, hallucinations, seizures, pain and hallucinations.
If you eat more than ten gms of nutmeg in one sitting, then you may suffer from health problems.
Some of the other healthy foods that should not be eaten in excess are:
• Liver
• Red Wine
• Grapefruit and other citrus fruits
• Brown Rice
• Protein powder
• Spinach
It is good to eat a healthy diet, but overeating healthy foods can be bad for your health. It is highly essential to eat a well-balanced diet to stay healthy. Eat healthy, exercise, sleep well and go for a health checkup regularly to lead a healthy and fit life.