Introvert or Shy? The Truth Behind the Law of Introversion!

Introvert or Shy? The Truth Behind the Law of Introversion!

27-10-2017   |   Posted By: Chhavi   |   2217 View(s)

Whenever I get free time, I like to watch a movie, read a book or just take a nap. Many people ask me why don’t I like to hang around with people, or why don’t I go to parties. My instant replies to these questions are, ‘I am an introvert’, but the reply which I get back hits me hard because people mistake ‘introversion’ for ‘Shyness.’ This is a battle many introverts fight, but eventually, give up because not a lot many people understand the concept of ‘Introversion’ correctly.

So many years have passed, and still many people, including my parents, believe that I am shy and afraid of social gatherings. There is no doubt that I am not a fan of parties; but having said that, I don’t mean that I am SCARED of parties or meeting new people. Being an introvert invites too many questions like ‘Do you ever have fun?’, ‘How can you enjoy solitude? That is just insane!’  Now, most of the times, these questions are better left unanswered.

Introverts are misjudged by the society and are labelled ‘Shy’, ‘Serious’ and even ‘Freak.’ The truth is that the fact that someone can find happiness by spending some alone time scares a few people who look for happiness outside. It is my firm belief that introverts should be treated the same as extroverts. Why? Because it is not a choice, but a Personality Type!

Here are 8 Interesting Facts About Introversion

1. Introverts are Keen Observers

Introverts observe almost everything around them. An introvert will remember every small detail of his or her surroundings. It is because the brain of an introvert treats interactions with people at the same intensity level that it treats encounters with inanimate objects. Introverts pay proper attention to all the sensory details in the environment, and not just the people. That is the main reason why introverts are excellent observers and do very well in jobs that require keen observation skills like Writing, Research, Analyst, Sociologists and so on.

2. Introverts are Highly Intuitive

Because introverts observe so much, they develop good intuitive skills. People develop intuitive skills by paying attention to what is happening around them and use all the senses to observe the surroundings. And as already stated in the above point; introverts are keen observers of everything which also develops their intuitive skills.

3. Introverts Love to Talk

Many people believe that Introverts don’t like to talk, and want to stay away from others as much as can. Well, this is a misconception! Introverts have great listening skills, and they do love to talk. It is just that they usually do not like long, monotonous conversations. Introverts usually like to talk about what’s happening in their surroundings with someone they connect really well with. One cannot expect an introvert to talk openly with a stranger in the first meeting; introverts take time to open up. But once they do, they can talk about many interesting things and that too for long hours.


4. Introverts Need a Lot of ‘Me-Time’

Introverts do not want to feel lonely, but they sure like having some alone time where they can just sit tight and think deeply about various things. Introverts respect their personal space and need time to recharge. They like to spend time alone, read a book and analyse it later, get chores done or finish off their assignment.

This happens because introverts’ brains run on an energy-conserving system nervous system, which means that they need to recharge themselves from time to time to stay happy and content. That is the sole reason why introverts feel energised and content when thinking deeply, reading a book, or exploring their inner self.

5. Surprises or Risks Do Not Excite Them Much

Dopamine neurotransmitters activate the brain’s pleasure and reward system. Introverts’ brains are not as strongly rewarded for taking risks or gambling as extroverts’ brain are. According to many studies, extroverts’ brains respond with more pleasure to positive gambling results. Thus, it came out as the fact that an element of surprise or risk does not give much excitement to introverts.

6. Introverts have Superb Decision-Making Skills

When introverts think about a particular matter, they try and collect thoughts and memory that are stored in their long-term memory. Introverts mostly compare old and new experiences when making a decision, and that is why they take plenty of time to make a decision. But once they do; it often leads to an appropriately thought-out decision.

Also Read: Developing Cognitive Skills in your Child

7. Introverts Don’t Want to Become Extroverts

Being an introvert is not a flaw, and introverts are well aware of this. In reality, introverts enjoy the peace and spending time alone. One cannot expect an introvert to become more social and outgoing.


8. Introversion is Not A Mental Problem

Many people think that introversion is abnormal and should be “fixed.” On the other hand, people believe that extroversion denotes good mental health and is the hallmark of confidence. But these facts are inaccurate and being an introvert is completely normal. It is a personality type; wherein people derive energy from within themselves.

“For quiet, sensitive souls, solitude is the golden thread that unites us with our inner world. We need quiet to connect the dots in our constellations of thought.” Michaela Cung | The Irresistible Introvert

Are you an Introvert? Share your life experiences with us in the comments section below.

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