Chikungunya : Symptoms,Causes and Cure

Chikungunya : Symptoms,Causes and Cure

02-10-2016   |   Posted By: Admin   |   3523 View(s)

Chikungunya is a disease which  has become one of the biggest threats and  spread across the length and breadth of the country and has caused immense problems to the people:

The following factors are the causes of widespread diseases:
• A high rate of population
• Unclean environment
• Lack of knowledge among people
• Change in lifestyles of people
• Increased pollution

About Chikungunya:

Chikungunya is a viral disease transmitted to humans by infected mosquitoes which cause fever and severe joint can happen by mosquito bites usually during the day time.
The infected persons start showing signs and symptoms usually 3-7 days after getting bitten by the infected mosquito. Though it can be severe and disabling-It is not a life-threating disease but care should be taken to get rid of the problems arising out of it. Proper medical treatment can make the patients feel better within a week, but the joint pain can last for anything between a week to months.
Newborns and adults along with those having High Blood Pressure, diabetes or heart disease, are more prone to a higher risk of the disease.

Signs and Symptoms:

The symptoms of chikungunya can be very similar to that of Dengue  and zika, and a Healthcare specialist should be consulted for confirmation of the disease and treatment
-Abrupt onset of fever which is usually accompanied by joint pain which can be very acute.


Presently there is no vaccine available for Chikungunya, and the best an infected person can do is take complete bed rest, have plenty of fluids and take medicines to get rid of fever and aches as prescribed by the doctor.There is no vaccine currently available. However, care should be taken to avoid aspirin and precaution should be taken to prevent further exposure to mosquitoes.

Homoeopathic and Ayurved drugs are available in the market which experts claim to give substantial relief against the disease.

Chikungunya is one of the diseases which has spread over the entire country from the past few years. It has affected a lot of people and has caused widespread anxiety and problems for people from all strata of society.So much so that it has caused an epidemic like situation in recent years with a substantial number of people suffering from it or have suffered from it during the last few years. In view of the same time is ripe enough for us and the authorities to take substantial steps to ensure the spread of disease any further.

Preventive Health Checkup


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