Back Pain : Causes and its Effective Treatment
11-04-2015 | Posted By: Admin | 4094 View(s)
Back pain is a common health problem that usually affects middle-aged and elderly people. But, nowadays this problem has started affecting young people too. A backache is quite painful and does not allow us to perform our day-to-day activities properly.
The onset of pain in the back may be intense or incessant. It can be steady or irregular, stay in one spot or radiate to different regions. It might be described by the upset hurt or a sharp or penetrating or smouldering feeling. The torment may radiate into the arms and hands and additionally the legs or feet, and may incorporate signs other than pain. Cases of these side effects may include trembling, shortcoming or passivity in the legs and arms, demonstrating the damage to the nerves. Back pain is a very common problem, and the majority of the adults experience back pain some time or the other during their lifetime.
Signs and symptoms are something the patient feels and reports, while a sign varies for individuals. Case in point, a rash may be a sign while the pain can be the symptom. Most of the time signs and symptoms of Back Pin clear up within a week to a few weeks and could also extend to around 12 weeks or more depending on the severity of the problem.
Symptoms of Back Pain?
These symptoms are mild to moderate and usually go away within some days. But, if the pain is persistent and severe, then consult an Orthopedic immediately.
* Weight reduction
* Increased body temperature (fever)
* Irritation (swelling) on the back
* Tireless back pain -resting does not help
* Pain down the legs
* Pain comes to beneath the knees
* A late damage, blow or injury to your back
* Urinary incontinence – you pee inadvertently (even little sums)
* Trouble urinating – passing the pee is hard
* Fecal incontinence – you lose your gut control (you crap accidentally)
* Deadness around the private parts
* Deadness around the rear-end
* Deadness around the bottom
* Swollen back
*Numbness around the back and buttocks
*Difficulty sleeping
*Increased body temperature
*Reduced flexibility of the spine
Causes of Back Pain?
The major causes of back pain are:
1. Poor sitting posture
2. Sleeping disorders
3. Arthritis
4. Gender
5. Pregnancy
6. Smoking
7. Excessive physical labour
8. Lack of physical activity
9. Lifting heavy objects
10. Improper diet
These are some of the primary causes of back pain. Those who are affected by back pain also experience some symptoms. Let’s have a quick look at the symptoms of a backache.
Impacts of back pain in the quality of Lifestyle:
Back pain as a chronic disease doesn’t hurt only physically, but it can sting mentally as well. From physical infirmities to affecting temperament, memory, and connections, endless pain can have a huge negative effect on one’s life. Chronic back pain can influence your personal life in a number of ways:
* The emotional hamper – Over the long run, chronic back pain can take a toll on the sufferers. Always managing the torment and anxiety of not knowing whether the pain will enhance or resurface can result in genuine worries which can lead to increased Anger, nervousness, emotional episodes and depression.
* Lowers the self-esteem – Constant back pain can upset your life and make it harder to carry on regular everyday jobs and do the things you adore. As a consequence of these sufferers could experience reduced respect toward oneself.
* Effect on Relationships – As a result of the pain and the other emotional reactions sufferers could get into a tendency of shying away from social get-togethers or being in touch with near and dear. Friends and Relatives too may not understand their physical and emotional disturbance and become inaccessible. Family bonding too could get affected by this.
Most cases of Back Pain do not require urgent Care however one should not neglect the pain if the pain persists for more than 4-5 days and get the cause verified by a Doctor.
Treatment of Back Pain is readily available and is not that complicated most of the times. All that you need to do is consult a Good Doctor who could be your Family Doctor, Orthopaedic Surgeon, Physiotherapist or a Pain Specialist. They can help you get better fast. The good news is that even chronic cases of Back Pain can be treated without Non-Surgical Procedures
But, there are some ways to treat back pain at home. These treatments can give you quick relief from the pain and allow you to perform your day-to-day activities without pain and live your life to the fullest again. In this post, we are going to talk about the causes, symptoms and treatment of back pain. Let’s get started!
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How to Treat Back Pain Naturally?
Here are some home remedies to get quick relief from back pain:
1. Fenugreek
Things You Will Need
• One teaspoon fenugreek powder
• One glass of hot milk
• Honey
What You Need To Do
In a glass of hot milk, add one teaspoon of fenugreek powder. Now, mix in some honey and stir thoroughly. Drink this once every night before going to sleep.
Fenugreek has natural anti-inflammatory properties which help in relieving pain. That is why this is one of the best home remedies for back pain.
2. Ginger
Things You Will Need
• One to two inches of ginger
• One cup of hot water
• Honey
What You Need To Do
Start by steeping the ginger in one cup of hot water. Allow it to steep for five to ten minutes. Now, add some honey and drink this before it turns cold. Drink this twice a day to get relief from the back pain.
Alternatively, you can also apply some ginger paste on the affected area, followed by eucalyptus oil.
Gingerol, an active component of ginger is widely used for pain-relieving effects.
3. Lavender Oil
Things You Will Need
• Three to four drops of lavender oil
What You Need To Do
Simply, take a few drops of lavender oil and apply it to the affected area. Massage for a couple of minutes. Do this at least two times a day to treat back pain at home.
Lavender oil has antispasmodic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that help in relieving back pain and reducing the swelling.
4. Peppermint Oil
Things You Will Need
• Five to six drops of peppermint oil
• One tablespoon of coconut or almond oil
What You Need To Do
Combine five drops of peppermint oil and one tablespoon of coconut/ almond oil. Apply this to the affected area and massage gently for a minute or two. Do this twice daily to get relief from a backache.
Peppermint oil has antispasmodic properties which help in providing relief from muscle spasms. Also, it has anti-inflammatory properties that help in providing instant relief from back pain.
5. Epsom Salt
Things You Will Need
• One to two cups of Epsom Salt
• One bucket of water
What You Need To Do
In a bucket of water, add one to two cups of Epsom Salt. Now, soak and relax in this water for about ten to fifteen minutes. You will feel your back pain going away after several minutes. Repeat this thrice a week.
Epsom salt has anti-inflammatory properties and is rich in magnesium; both of which helps in relieving pain.
6. Turmeric
Things You Will Need
• One glass of hot milk
• One teaspoon of turmeric
What You Need To Do
In a glass of hot milk, add a teaspoon of turmeric. Stir thoroughly and drink this. Drink this warm turmeric milk two times a day to relieve back pain.
Curcumin, a compound found in turmeric has anti-inflammatory and medicinal properties which help in relieving back pain and alleviating its symptoms. This is an old age remedy to treat back pain at home.
7. Basil Leaves
Things You Will Need
• Eight to ten basil leaves
• One cup of hot water
• Honey (Optional)
What You Need To Do
Take eight to ten basil leaves and add them to a cup of hot water. Allow the leaves to steep in hot water for about ten minutes. You can also mix honey for flavour and drink before the tea turns cold. Drink this tea two to three times a day to get relief from a backache.
Alternatively, you can also apply basil oil on the affected area to treat back pain at home.
Basil leaves are packed with some essential oils such as citronellol, linalool and eugenol; and these oils has pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties which are used to treat back pain.
8. Garlic
Things You Will Need
• Eight to Ten garlic cloves
• A Clean towel
What You Need To Do
Take a few garlic cloves and start crushing them to form a fine paste. Apply this garlic paste to the affected area and cover it with a clean towel. Keep it on for about half an hour and then wipe it off with a clean wet piece of cloth. Repeat this twice daily.
Alternatively, you can also chew on two to three garlic cloves early morning to get relief from back pain.
Garlic is packed with capsaicin and selenium, which has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties and are very helpful in treating back pain.
9. Olive Oil
Things You Will Need
• One tablespoon of olive oil
What You Need To Do
Simply, heat some olive oil and massage it gently on the affected area. Keep it on overnight and do this every night till the pain subside.
Olive oil exhibit analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties which are known for treating back pain as well as its symptoms.
10. Wheat
Things You Will Need
• Wheat
• Cuscus grass powder
• Coriander
• One cup of milk
What You Need To Do
Take a handful of wheat and just soak it in water overnight. In the morning, mix in coriander and cuscus grass powder. Then, you have to add one cup of milk and boil it for a couple of minutes until it thickens. Drink this mixture two times a day to relieve back pain.
Wheat contains compounds that produce an analgesic effect and help in minimising pain.
11. Castor Oil
Things You Will Need
• One tablespoon of castor oil
What You Need To Do
Heat the castor oil and massage this to the affected area. Leave it on overnight. Follow this process every day until the pain subsides.
Castor oil contains ricinoleic acid that exhibits analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. These properties help in relieving back pain quickly and effectively.
12. Chamomile Tea
Things You Will Need
• One cup of hot water
• One teaspoon of dried chamomile
• Honey (Optional)
What You Need To Do
Steep the dried chamomile in one cup of hot water for about five to ten minutes. If desired, you can add some honey. Drink the tea before it turns cold. Consume chamomile tea two times a day to get quick relief from back pain.
Chamomile has anti-inflammatory properties which help in providing relief from pain, inflammation and swelling.
13. Aloe Vera
Things You Will Need
• ½ cup of aloe vera juice
What You Need To Do
Simply, drink aloe vera juice on a daily basis to treat back pain at home. Alternatively, you can also apply aloe vera gel on your back.
Aloe vera is a medicinal herb and has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that help in treating back pain.
14. Milk
Things You Will Need
• One glass of milk
What You Need To Do
Heat a glass of milk and drink it every day. Do this one to two times a day.
Milk is one of the best sources of calcium and helps in strengthening bones. Also, it has anti-inflammatory properties that help in treating back pain.
15. Pineapples
Things You Will Need
• One cup of water
• ½ cup of pineapples
What You Need To Do
Blend one-half cup of pineapples with water. Consume this every day to treat back pain at home.
Bromelain, an enzyme present in pineapples exhibits analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that help in treating back pain.
Tips To Treat Back Pain
1. Eat loads of fresh vegetables and fruits. That is because fruits and veggies have anti-inflammatory properties and are an excellent source of calcium.
2. Practice yoga poses and stretching exercises to treat back pain at home.
3. Provide support to your back when you sit or lie down for long periods.
4. Avoid foods that lead to inflammation such as sugar, red meat, refined grains and dairy products because these foods can make your back pain worse.
5. Drink enough water to keep the discs of your backbone hydrated.
The tips mentioned above and remedies can help you treat back pain at home quickly. However, if your back pain gets severe, then seek medical treatment immediately.