An Overview of Kidney Function Test (KFT)
06-06-2017 | Posted By: Chhavi | 2878 View(s)
The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs that perform many important body functions. The major function of kidneys is to extract the waste products from the blood. But they also perform many other vital body functions such as regulating blood pressure, producing red blood cells in the body and so on. Kidney Function Test is performed to find out the health of the kidney.
Some of the essential functions of the kidneys include:
It excretes waste from the body.
It balances the water level in the body.
It regulates Blood Pressure.
It regulates acids in the body
Most people are born with two kidneys, however, many people can survive on just one. Today kidney transplant surgeries with live donors are a common medical procedure.
Symptoms of Kidney Disorder
Symptoms that may indicate that kidney problems are:
High Blood pressure
Feeling Tired all the time
Feeling Cold
Shortness of Breath
Nausea, vomiting and upset stomach
Swelling of the hands and feet
Pain while urinating & blood in the urine
Frequent urges to urinate
A single symptom out of the symptoms mentioned above may not mean something serious. But, if the symptom persists and occurs simultaneously, it might suggest that your kidneys are not functioning properly. In such a case, you must visit a Doctor and go for a Kidney Function Test.
What is a Kidney Function Test ?
Kidney Function Test is one of the most common types of Blood Test which evaluates whether the Kidneys are working efficiently or not. Also, it measures the level of urea, creatinine and certain dissolved salts in the body. Humans have two kidneys which are approximately the size of a human fist.
A Kidney Function Test is done to screen for kidney problems. There are various kinds of tests that are used to test kidney function. These tests help in estimating your Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) which tells the Doctors how quickly the kidneys are clearing waste from a patient’s body.
If you are having any pain in your Kidney areas or have any Kidney Related Problems; you must go for a Kidney Function Test. This test helps in identifying the problems of the Kidney. Also, if you have any other medical conditions such as Diabetes and High Blood Pressure which can affect your Kidney adversely; your Doctor can recommend you to go for a Kidney Function Test so that they can monitor these conditions and assess its influence on the kidneys.
Types of Kidney Function Tests:
A urinalysis is done to see the presence of protein and blood in the urine. There are many reasons for the presence of protein in the urine, and all of them are not related to any disease. Infection is known to increase protein in the urine, but the same can happen due to a heavy physical workout. That is why the Doctor may ask the patient to repeat the test after a few weeks to see if the test results are similar.
The Doctor may even ask the patient to provide a 24-hour urine collection sample to see how quickly creatinine, which is a waste product is clearing from the patient’s body.
B.Serum Creatinine Test
Creatinine is a waste product in the body which is usually filtered by the kidneys from the blood. This test is done to see the level of Creatinine in the blood. If the Creatinine is outside the normal range; it might suggest that the patient has a kidney problem. This blood test detects if creatinine is building up in your blood or not. The function of kidneys is to filter creatinine from the blood. If your body has a high level of creatinine; it suggests that you have a kidney problem.
Usually, the kidneys filter creatinine from the blood completely, and a high level of creatinine indicates a kidney problem. Thus, Serum Creatinine Test is done to detect if creatinine is building up in patient’s blood or not.
According to the National Kidney Foundation (NKF), if the creatinine level is higher than 1.2 in women and 1.4 in men; then it is a sign of a kidney disorder.
C.Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)
The Blood Nitrogen (BUN) test checks for waste products in the blood and also measure the amount of nitrogen in the blood. However, it is not necessary that an elevated BUN level is due to kidney damage. Sometimes, medications like aspirin, antibiotics, etc. can also increase the BUN. Thus, it is important to tell the Doctor about any medications that you are taking before going for the test.
A normal BUN level is between 7 and 20. A higher value could indicate several different health problems.
D.Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR)
The Glomerular Filtration Rate provides a more accurate measure of the kidney function. If the value of the GFR test is below the normal range, it suggests that there some kidney damage has occurred in the body.
This test is done to determine how effectively your kidneys are filtering waste. The test determines the rate by looking at various factors, like:
• Test results, specifically the creatinine levels
• Age
• Gender
• Race
• Height
• Weight
Any result lower than 60 can be a warning sign of kidney disease.
How to get The Kidney Function Test Done?
You can easily get the Test done. All it takes is a blood sample to be taken for complete analysis of the Kidney. You can even book the test online or telephonically. If you experience any symptoms of kidney problems, then do visit a Nephrologist and go for a Kidney Function Test. To book the Kidney Function Test online at discounted rates, Click Here.
The Test Process :
Kidney function tests require a urine sample, and a blood test is usually required for a Kidney Function Test. A 24-hour Urine Sample is taken to see how much creatinine is expelled from your body over a single day. On the day of the test, you have to give Blood Samples and Urine in a special container as provided by your Lab partner which is then tested. However overnight fasting is not mandatory for this Test. The Reports are generally available on the same day of testing except in special cases
So now we are well aware of the importance of a Healthy Kidney and the role it plays in keeping us healthy. The kidneys filter the waste material from the blood and remove it from the body in the form of urine. Also, they assist in controlling the levels of water and other essential materials in our body. Additionally, the kidneys help in the production of Vitamin D, Red Blood Cells and hormones that regulate Blood Pressure.
If the results of the Kidney Function Test are outside the normal range, your Doctor will start the treatment so that your Kidney can function properly. If the tests indicate that you have Hypertension; your Doctor will prescribe medications to lower the Blood Pressure and also would recommend a change in lifestyle. There might be some other causes of Abnormal Kidney Function Test such as kidney stones and excessive use of pain killers; in such cases, your doctor will take appropriate measures to manage these disorders. If your test results are abnormal, it means that you should go for regular Kidney Function Test in the months ahead. Going for Regular Checkup is very crucial as your Doctor will be able to monitor your health regularly.