8 Signs Of Hormonal Imbalance

8 Signs Of Hormonal Imbalance

09-06-2016   |   Posted By: Admin   |   3869 View(s)

When we think of hormones, all we think of are highly excited or extremely depressed people, but that is a stereotype that we must clear our heads off before we truly get down to understanding hormones and how they affect our bodies and minds. Hormones affect each and every individual right from the time they are born to their last breath. Regardless of a person’s gender, every individual experience several changes in their bodies, and in their overall outlook with the passage of time and during a certain cycle of their life.

At times, these hormones can go out of balance and can affect our health in a negative way. But during these times, we usually don’t understand or detect the imbalance right away which leads to further complications. Hormonal changes are usually subtle, but there are certain signs that can foretell such imbalances. The Signs of Hormonal Imbalance  are:


1. Abnormal Weight Gain could be a sign of Hormonal Imbalance:

The occasional 4 or 5 kgs you gain during a festive season or vacation are not what we are referring to here. When we speak of weight gain, we mean a persistent weight gain that gets worse with time. At times, a person can even be careful and not eat junk or processed food, but still, gain weight. This is usually a sign of hormonal disbalance.

2. Fatigue:

A constant fuzzy feeling of being listless and low on energy is often a sign of hormonal imbalance. People who have a certain chemical imbalance in their bodies tend to feel tired first thing in the morning, and that low energy lingers with them throughout the day, even if they don’t exert themselves.

3. Poor Sleep:

Insomnia or just not being able to have a deep and sound sleep is a sure sign of hormonal fluctuations in one’s body. This can be a direct result of poor nutrition, excessive drinking or binge eating, all of which leads to the hormonal imbalance.

4. Anxiety and irritability:

Everyone goes through the usual stress levels owing to the pressure at work or home, but feeling absolutely out of control, anxious and irritated are not normal signs or behaviour patterns. Such indications usually point towards some hormonal upheaval in the body.

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5. Low Libido:

This goes hand in hand with a lack of proper sleep, as no sleep equals a low sex drive. A diminishing libido is a sign of hormonal disbalance and is more common in men than it is in women.

6. Digestion:

Problems like gas, bloating and constipation that occur on a regular basis are at times the result of a hormonal imbalance. However, this is also closely related to poor food habits and choices as well, which is a common case with most young, corporate professionals these days who live on junk food.

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7. Strange Cravings:

If a person consumes a large meal, and yet craves to eat some more, then it is not the fact that their body needs it, but is a chemical reaction in their brain that leads them to think that they are not satisfied or are not full yet. Excessive eating and drinking can be a sign of hormones that have gone out of control.

8. Sweating:

This can be hard to detect since the hot weather conditions can at times be a large reason. But, if you happen to sit in an air-conditioned room with a low temperature, and still sweat, then that is a sign of hormonal dysfunctionality. In other words, such sweat comes in the form of hot flashes and leaves one feeling drained and on the edge.

This can be hard to detect since the hot weather conditions can at times be a large reason. But, if you happen to sit in an air-conditioned room with a low temperature, and still sweat, then that is a sign of hormonal dysfunctionality. In other words, such sweat comes in the form of hot flashes and leaves one feeling drained and on the edge.

This can be hard to detect since the hot weather conditions can at times be a large reason. But, if you happen to sit in an air-conditioned room with a low temperature, and still sweat, then that is a sign of hormonal dysfunctionality. In other words, such sweat comes in the form of hot flashes and leaves one feeling drained and on the edge.

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