18 Things that are better than Binge Eating

18 Things that are better than Binge Eating

10-07-2017   |   Posted By: Shagun Parasher   |   2616 View(s)

Over-eating becomes a substitute for the things we crave like comfort, rest, care, celebration or simply a prize after surviving a rough day.It is a means of getting away from tension, worry or other situations. Knowing that you should take care of yourself is one thing and figuring out how you can do so is different. It is not complicated, trust us. We talk about 18 things that are better than Binge Eating. Try them out today for best results

Here are 18 Things that are better than Binge Eating

1.Try an outdoor workout

Research shows that time spent outdoors is directly linked to a healthy mind and heart. This may also decrease tension, depression and anger.


2.Drink Water

Drinking 8-12 glasses of water every day makes a person feel less hungry, more energised and more alert. It is also good for digestion and skin.

3.Stretch Everyday

It is one of the most simple things you can do to yourself. Stretching for a minute every hour is very beneficial for our body as it enhances the blood flow throughout the body.

4.Get a Sound Sleep

Every human body needs rest. Not getting enough sleep results in increased appetite, lack of focus, weight gain, lack of productivity. Sleeping for good 7-8 hours will make you feel fresh and energised.

5.Laugh Out Loud

We know laughter has a lot of health benefits. It is very beneficial for lowering stress. It is also known for making our immune system stronger. Laugh, it is free and easy.

6.List your Work Down

Make a to-do list on paper, and free up the space they take up inside your brain. This helps reduce our worries, boosts memory and enhances the productivity.

7.Stay Positive

In life, it is important to remain optimistic. Focus on the good and leave behind the bad. Things get unfavourable sometimes, but you should stay active and learn to deal with problems. This makes you stronger as a person.

8.Focus on one thing at a time

Yes, we understand you are a multitasker, and you can manage to do a lot of stuff at a time but doing one thing at a time feels completely different. Divide your time for various jobs and pay all attention to doing one work at a time.

Having Fun

9.Have Fun

Move, dance, sing, exercise and treat yourself with good food every day. It makes you feel instantly better.

10.Add colour to your life

You love pastels, whites and blacks and you can’t bear the pain of separation from them, but we’d suggest you add some more colours to your wardrobe. This will spice up your clothes and make you instantly feel better when you wear them.

11.Ask for what you need

Just be straightforward when you need something. This is the most admired gesture because nobody likes a person who can’t ask for what they want.

12.Accept your Compliments.

Don’t deflect the compliments you receive. Don’t minimise them. People praise you if you’re worth it. Next time someone compliments you, look them straight in their eyes and say thank you.

13.Make a list of things that make you Happy.

Make it a habit of listing three things that went well and made you happy every day and three things you’re proud of. This creates more clarity and builds a healthy mindset.



Meditation is something that doesn’t take much time of your day and makes your mind and body healthy. We feel good when our body is healthy.

15.We say shopping is good

Hitting the stores and buying that dress or a pair of shoes you’ve wanted for a very long time instantly makes you feel delightful, doesn’t it? It also helps ease mild depression and boosts confidence. This is better than Binge eating, isn’t it?

16.Keep yourself busy

Go on like something or anything, for example, decluttering your wardrobe, cleaning your home, cooking food, etc. Don’t sit idle. Let those carbs burn. Indulging in small work when you are free keeps the body in motion. Remember it works better and longer when you use it.


Nowadays everybody is glued to their mobile phones, laptop and sometimes both. Take a break from social media for some time deliberately. This refreshes your brain and body.

18.Go on Vacations

Going on a holiday with your near and dear ones will help you in recharging yourself. Taking a break from everything is a very effective way of taking care of yourself.

These were some very effective ways other than Binge Eating which will help you in Taking Care of Yourself in a better way. Stay Happy, Stay Healthy and Don’t Over-Eat 😉

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