People spend blindly on buying expensive supplements, and they even start eating whatever comes their way just to gain some pounds. Are you one of them? We hope you aren’t! Okay, we understand how badly you want to gain those extra kilos, but a shortcut can never get you best results. Gaining weight or adding muscles can be as hard as losing weight but little changes and efforts can help you to achieve your target! What should you do then? Well. Read more...
Are you scared you won’t be able to look perfect in your swimsuit because of belly fat? If you are, then don’t worry! There are some ways to get a flat stomach in just 30 days. Unbelievable right? I know, losing fat around the belly can be a battle. But, if you stay dedicated and patient, then you can win this battle for sure. If you want to get a toned belly, let these tips be your guide. 3 Best Tips to Get a Flat Belly in 30 Da. Read more...
It’s a boon to have a toned waistline! You can wear your favourite dress, you don’t have to spend hours on shopping to find that perfect dress that does not show your belly fat, and there are so many other benefits you get if you have a smaller waistline. Many times, people start dieting thinking that they would lose some weight and get a toned waistline, but all their efforts go in vain as they do not have proper knowledge of foods that incr. Read more...
Yesterday I woke up with a sprain in my back. I had to struggle just to get out of my bed and start my morning chores. When I did reach my office, I echoed my frustrations to my colleagues, and I could see the instant sense of recognition in the opinions they voiced to me and the many lectures on how to improve your fitness during work hours. Even, they have had mornings like these, ‘A by-product of sitting long hours in your office chairs’ t. Read more...
Losing weight is not a child’s play; you need to work hard, really hard if you want to achieve your weight loss goals. Now, many people wonder what the secret is to losing weight? Well, it is nothing but filling your stomach with fat burning foods so that you feel full as well as burn calories. So, here, I am going to talk about the top fat burning foods that will make you fit enough to get into those slim pair of jeans. 10 Fat Bur. Read more...
Raise a hand if you consider yourself or know someone who proudly acknowledges oneself as a 'Fitness Freak'? I cannot physically see the raised hands, but if I had to guess, I'd say most, if not all of you did raise your hand (raising hands figuratively would also count). It is not uncommon to see people queuing outside gyms or yoga centres every morning these days. [google_add] People are putting more emphasis on being fit now more than ever.. Read more...
Surprise! We know most of you have been searching for some solution to get rid of the side stomach fat. Are you one of them? And nothing hurts more than that flab at the sides of your waistline. People follow a strict diet, perform rigorous exercises and even take supplements to lose some weight but what’s not to love here? “The side stomach fat” that just doesn’t go away easily and How to Burn Side Stomach Fat remains a Million dollar . Read more...
Just put on a couple of pounds and People will never spare you! They give you so many free-advises almost every day; Any random person starts giving you weight loss tips as if you don’t know you are fat and you aren’t doing anything for that. What suggestions do you hear? It is very annoying when everyone starts talking about your weight, and they even come up with some very funny advises sometimes. “I think you should eat less,” “You s. Read more...