Yoga Exercises as a Cross Training Technique

Yoga Exercises as a Cross Training Technique

06-06-2016   |   Posted By: Admin   |   3230 View(s)

Yoga (an ancient Indian meditation practice) in modern times is a potent combination of meditation, breathing techniques, physical postures and exercises to assure a complete mind and body balance. Yoga Exercises is also said to be very effective in combating stress and anxiety.

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In addition to that, the various body posture training and exercises are arguably very helpful in innumerable ways to ensure a healthier, stronger mind and body. Needless to say, people in today’s world are very health conscious and thrive to stay fit particularly athletes from different spheres have gradually incorporated yoga as a crucial part of their fitness program.

Yoga in cross-training:

It is a common practice for athletes to cross-train, which is to train for another sport other than their prime force, to enhance their strength, dexterity, fitness, and performance. These cross-training programs usually include extreme cardiovascular training, agility, and stretching, and intense strength training. Under such circumstances, when athletes are pushing their physical limits, muscle and joint; injuries are very common.

This is where yoga becomes beneficial as it trains athletes to stretch their muscles and push their endurance while maintaining an essential balance thus allowing them to develop themselves. Let’s briefly, discuss the other benefits of yoga as a cross-training technique other than developing physical tenacity.

Health Benefits of Yoga

Focusing is the most vital part:

Yoga Exercises is an effective relaxation technique. It is necessary that athletes exposing themselves to an intense cross-training discipline find a balance by taking time off to relax their body and mind. Meditation, different breathing exercises and posture training all combined can gradually help athletes in maintaining mental clarity and composure of their mind alongside their physical training. Meditating and some precise techniques in yoga also help sharpen focus and rejuvenate.

Yoga Exercises is all about Balance & Coordination:

In any sports or other physically exhaustive professions, it is very important to train and maintain your whole body instead of focusing on a particular training method. For example, a swimmer needs to train himself not only for physical endurance but also for breathing techniques, postures, lung capacity, etc. all of which together build up his overall performance.

If a dancer is not into any other physical activity or doesn’t work for a completely balanced physical training, gradually it might result in an injury or affect their legs, knees or ankles as they are not well trained to ensure the long-term strain. Such cases of muscular imbalance are quite common for athletes and dancers.

Regular yoga not only enhances core power, but also helps to develop proper postures, focus, and good muscular balance. There are certain specific positions and techniques which provide complete isometric training to athletes and also help them build better coordination and focus on a balanced training program. Upward plank pose or boat pose are good examples of isometric training through yoga, which primarily is holding a position for short time intervals to boost strength and agility.

Flexibility for yoga or yoga for flexibility?

Probably the biggest myth about yoga is that it is essentially for people who are flexible. Flexibility is never a prerequisite for yoga, but proper yoga training does help to enhance your flexibility and opens up a lot of stiff muscles which also keep away muscle pains and cramps. This benefits not just athletes, but every individual irrespective of their profession. Walking or just slouching in front of the computer is also sometimes enough to trigger a stiff muscle and yoga is a precaution from any wear and tear that your body might be exposed to in the long run.

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