Try Out Aerobic Exercise at Home for Great Results.
06-11-2016 | Posted By: Admin | 4555 View(s)
The first thing which comes to our mind from the term Aerobic is oxygen. Aerobic postures usually comprise of severe muscle movements, rhythmic motion, elevates the heart rate and it also creates a demand for the oxygen for a prolonged period. Here every movement is done in a systematic manner which is beneficial for the body.
Aerobic Exercise has several benefits as it balances the blood sugar level by acting as insulin. It also helps reduce heart diseases and also checks on cholesterol levels. Aerobics also benefit those people who are victims of asthma or any other respiratory problems. It burns fat, strengthens the joints and bones and improves the blood circulatory system of the body by releasing endorphins.
Aerobic Exercises:
Aerobic Exercise is any physical activity that makes one sweat and breathe harder and results in more than normal heartbeats and pumping of blood at a faster rate. It is to train the cardiovascular system to deliver oxygen more quickly and efficiently to all the body parts. Aerobic Exercises include walking, jogging, indoor cycling or aerobic dancing. The larger group of muscles of our body are involved and are exercised rhythmically which can be maintained continuously for 10 min. It strengthens the heart and lungs.
What does Aerobic Exercises do?
They help in pumping blood and supplying oxygen to different parts of the body effectively and efficiently.
They can be practised irrespective of age, gender, body weight, and athletic ability.
Benefits of Aerobic Exercises:
1.Fights weight issues:
If one is suffering from overweight, then aerobics could be the best solution. It not only helps in the gradual shedding of excess pounds but also in not gaining any more pounds back. It aids in maintaining a healthy weight.
2.Keeps Illnesses at Bay:
It may strengthen our immunity system, which helps in keeping many illnesses like flu etc. at bay.
3.Increases Stamina:
Even if they tire you initially, they enhance your stamina levels progressively. Makes you feel more energetic.
4.Strengthens Heart:
Aerobic exercises strengthen heart, helping it in functioning effectively that results in good efficient blood supply to all parts of the body. Improves blood circulation and helps in better supply of oxygen. Also, decreases the risks of heart diseases. It reduces bad cholesterol levels and increases good cholesterol levels.
5.Reduces the risk of Diabetes:
It aids in controlling blood sugar levels in the blood.
6.Strengthens immunity:
The immunity system can also be strengthened with practising Aerobic exercises regularly.
7.Enhances the Physical Look:
With regular practice, one can observe an improvement in their physic. Practising aerobic exercises result in a toned body and give you a physique.
8.Body fitness:
It helps in improving body fitness which also boosts your confidence levels.
9.Gifts longer life:
The individuals who practice Aerobic exercises regularly are gifted with longer, happier and healthier lives over the individuals who don’t invest time in exercising.
10.Improves endurance:
With regular practice of Aerobic Exercises, one can continue doing their workout session longer, or they experience that they can perform physical activities longer than before without getting tired.
11.Qualitative Sleep:
It also improves your sleeping habits.
12.Great mental health:
Studies have shown that Aerobic Exercises improves confidence, memory and brain functionalities.
13. Emotionally fit:
It decreases the stress, tension, anxiety and depression making you emotionally fit.
Before getting started:
• Don’t plan or try to overdo more than your capacity.
• Don’t strain your body.
• If you have any issues like back pain etc. consult your doctor before planning on what aerobic exercise to prefer, can even take help from a professional trainer.
• The preferred level activity for you is the level where you can have an easy conversation while carrying on with your exercise.
• Drink a good amount of liquid before and after workouts.
• Make sure to include warm-up and cool-down periods in your exercise routine.
• If you like dancing you can choose aerobic dancing exercises, or if you like swimming go for it, choose an exercise that you like and are comfortable with.
• Avoid exercising when you are sick, tired and weak.
Examples of Aerobic Exercise
Few of the low impact Aerobic Exercise is
• Swimming
• Cycling
• Using an elliptical trainer
• Walking
• Rowing
• Using an upper body ergometer
Higher impact aerobic exercises are
• Running
• Jumping rope
• Performing high impact routines or step aerobics
Overall Aerobic exercises provide all-round benefits which include mental fitness, physical fitness, and emotional fitness. So why wait to dive in? Start your journey today with
One has to keep in mind a few points before starting Aerobic Exercise at home. Some of those points are mentioned below:
• Aqua fitness or swimming is beneficial for the ones who are suffering from several joint issues or arthritis.
• Performing aerobics for a minimum of 3 times a week for at least 20 minutes at a high pace benefits the mind as well as the soul.
• One needs to warm up properly before he/she starts with the hardcore exercises. Proper alignment and posture is a must or else it might prove fatal.
• One must take a few breaks during the aerobic session to lower down the heart rate.
• People with orthopaedic problems must not do high-intensity exercises
A few of the aerobic exercises which can be performed at home:
• Bear Crawls:
One has to carry out this posture in a large room since intense crawling is required here. One has to use the feet and the hands with the hips little higher than the knee and crawl from one portion of the room to the other portion in just a few minutes. The next few minutes can be engaged in the shuttle running which means running as quickly as possible between the ends of the room. This must be followed by a proper jog or a brisk walk. This must be done for at least 3 to 4 times before one settles down finally.
• Skipping:
This is one of the very few activities which can be performed in various ways. The beginners should do it at a pace in which he/she is comfortable enough and can continue for a long time. Little breaks can be taken in between, but then again it must be resumed for at least 15 to 20 minutes. Since skipping has a high impact, one has to make sure that the knees are little loosened when they land. Proper shoes should be worn during skipping. People suffering from orthopaedic problems must not do skipping at all.
• Cardio Circuits:
This exercise can be done by knee ups, jogging and even skipping. This should be performed for at least 2 to 3 minutes and repeated for at least 3 to 4 times each day. One has to run even more to higher up the intensity and then a brisk walk to lower it down. The same thing should be repeated in case of knee ups, and this should be reduced by hopping.
• Some minutes Circuit:
The exercises mentioned below should not be performed for more than a minute.
• Alternative lunges:
Hands on the overhead or waist. One has to move forward with the right leg and wit the lunge until the knee hits the ground. After that, one has to lift himself up by pushing through the hills and then gradually bringing the left leg in and after that the left leg has to be put forward to lunge and then repeated for sometimes.
• Jumping Jacks, Jogging, And Brisk Walk:
This should be repeated for at least 3 to 4 times without taking any breaks in between.
• Step Touch:
One has to step out and put the right leg on the side and also put the left leg into it and then tap. The same has to be repeated with the left leg too.
• Skier/ Squat Jumps/ Jumping Jacks/ Mountain Climbers:
• Skier:
Here one has to split jump with his right leg in the front and then with the left back and left arm gradually going overhead with the right arm on the back. This has to be repeatedly switched and performed for 30seconds each time.
• Squat Jumps:
This has to be done again continuously for 30 seconds and repeated after taking a break.
Jumping Jacks:
This should be repeated for 4 to 5 times per day for 30 seconds.
Mountain Climbers:
This has to be done for 30 seconds and then a rest period is required for the next 30 seconds.
• Sit-Ups/ Squats/ Mountain Climbers:
Here, one has to lie on the back with his knees bent and with his feet touching the floor. The arms need to be kept over the head while touching the ground and this way one has to move forward and bend down for a certain number of times. This should be repeated 3 to 4 times a day, and the position should be held for 30 seconds.
Squats should also be done for 30 seconds and a rest period should be provided for another 30 seconds.
Mountain Climbers:
Again this should be done regularly on a daily basis for 30 seconds at a stretch.
These are a few aerobic postures which one can easily practice from home and also get benefitted from and that too without any side effects. These are easy to be done and also hassle-free. People belonging to any age can do these aerobic exercises at home for best results.