Top 16 Ways to Use Honey For Weight Loss !

Top 16 Ways to Use Honey For Weight Loss !

04-08-2017   |   Posted By: Chhavi   |   8427 View(s)

Weight gain is a problem that is growing more than ever now. Due to workload and a busy schedule, people don’t get much time to exercise and maintain a healthy lifestyle which in turn leads to obesity. But, there is a magical food that can help you get an hourglass figure. Yes! Use honey for weight loss and see body fat going away in a quick span of time.

Honey contains sugar but is packed with minerals and vitamins which promotes weight loss. It improves digestion, boosts metabolism, reduces the stress hormones that cause obesity and burns calories. Also, honey contains enzymes which curb the appetite  and prevent overeating.

Honey is a powerful antioxidant and is a healthy food that must be added to your diet if you want to lose pounds. Honey can save you from the trouble of hitting the gym and shedding sweat to shed pounds. Use honey for one month, and you will notice the difference in your weight. There are many effective and easy ways to use honey for weight loss which we are going to share with you today. But before that, let us understand how honey promotes weight loss.

Note- Do not take honey if you have diabetes. If you have gained a lot of weight unexpectedly, consult a doctor and get a health checkup done to find the underlying cause of obesity.

How Honey Helps You Lose Weight?

You might wonder that honey is a type of sugar, and hence it should make you gain weight. Yes, honey contains sugar, but unlike refined sugar, honey is loaded with essential vitamins and minerals which assist in weight loss. Refined table sugar is usually used to make the food sweet, but it does not provide any health benefits.

In order to digest sugar, minerals and vitamins which are stored in the body are utilised. These nutrients dissolve fats and cholesterol. When you overeat sugar, you gain weight not because of the calories you intake, but due to the lack of vitamins and minerals present in the sugar. Honey, on the other hand, balances the effect because it is sweet, but is also a powerhouse of nutrients which helps in preventing weight gain.

What are the Benefits of Honey for Weight Loss?

1. The Glycemic Index score of honey is 55 which helps in providing quick energy to the body.

2. Honey triggers our liver to produce glucose and glucose is used by the brain to produce fat burning hormones.

3. Honey is loaded with amino acids which convert fat into energy which can be used by the body.

4. Stress is one of the primary reasons behind weight gain and honey helps in beating stress. Taking one spoonful of honey before going to bed reduces stress hormone in the body and also improves sleep.

5. It is a well-known fact that in order to lose weight, one needs to have a good metabolism. Honey is packed with vitamins like thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, B6 and pantothenic which helps to  boost metabolism.

6. You need to have a good immune system to fight diseases and keep yourself overall healthy and fit. Honey contains minerals like copper, calcium, iron, phosphorous, potassium, zinc and sodium which helps in building immunity.

7. Honey contains enzymes that help in curbing the hunger pangs. Honey also helps in preventing overeating.

8. It increases the level of good cholesterols in the body which reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases and also helps in weight loss.

9. Digestive problems can cause weight gain. Honey helps to improve digestion, thereby promoting weight loss.

10. Honey has antioxidant and anti-bacterial properties which help you to stay healthy and keep a host of diseases at bay.

So, these were some of the weight loss benefits of honey. Now, let’s explore different ways in which honey can be used for weight loss.
Now let us explore different honey recipes for weight loss.

What are the Best Ways to use Honey for Weight Loss?


1. Honey and Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a natural fat burner and helps in keeping the level of blood sugar balanced. Also, it lowers bad cholesterol and hence is one of the most effective remedies for obesity. On the other hand, honey contains antioxidants that aid weight loss.

Method 1:

Boil 1 cup of water and add two pieces (one-inch each) of cinnamon to it. Let it simmer for around fifteen minutes and then strain. Let the mixture cool and then add one teaspoon of honey to it. Stir well. Drink this daily for quick weight loss.

Method 2:

Mix one teaspoon of cinnamon powder and 1 tablespoon each of honey and coconut oil. Spread this mixture on a toast and eat it daily to shed a few pounds.

2. Honey and Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek improves digestion, maintains blood sugar levels and curbs your appetite; and all of these factors stimulate weight loss. Plus, it is rich in soluble fibre, which is known for promoting weight loss.

The Many Wonderful Health Benefits of Honey

Method 1:

Bring one cup of water to boil and add one-half teaspoon fenugreek seeds to it. Simmer for about five minutes. Strain and allow it to cool down to room temperature. Now, mix in one teaspoon of honey. Stir thoroughly and drink. You can also add one-half teaspoon lemon juice to increase the benefits and improve the taste of the tea.

Method 2:

Take a pan and roast fenugreek seeds in it. Then crush the seeds to bring them into a powdered form. Take one teaspoon each of fenugreek powder and honey and blend well. Consume it every day on an empty stomach. This is an easy way to use honey for weight loss.
3. Honey and Yoghurt

Yoghurt helps improve digestion, burn calories and promote weight loss.

Add one teaspoon of honey to 1 cup of yoghurt. Take this as a snack or dessert to curb your hunger cravings. To make it more delicious, you can even add fruits or nuts to the mixture.

4. Honey and Cumin

Cumin contains phytosterols, which are known to inhibit the absorption of bad cholesterol in the body. Cumin boosts metabolism, improves digestion, boosts immunity and is considered one of the best remedies for obesity.

Take a glass of water and add three grams of cumin powder and one teaspoon of honey to it. Stir well and consume this daily on an empty stomach. This is one of the best ways to use honey for weight loss.

5. Honey and Warm Water

The combination of warm water, honey and cinnamon work wonder for reducing weight.

You can simply add honey to warm water and drink this mixture twice a day to lose weight. Take a glass of water and boil it for up to 5 minutes. Strain the water into a glass and add one to two teaspoons of honey to it. Stir properly and then drink. You can drink one glass of this mixture in the morning after waking up and before going to bed.

6. Honey and Lemon

This is one of the oldest remedies for obesity. Lemon is rich in pectin fibre that helps fight hunger pangs, suppresses hunger cravings and makes you feel full for longer period. The combination of honey and lemon gives a boost to people’s weight loss efforts.

honey and lemon face mask

Mix two tablespoon of lemon juice in a glass of lukewarm water. Now, add one teaspoon of honey to it. Drink this mixture every day in the morning on an empty stomach to lose weight. This is the most common way to use honey for weight loss.

7. Honey and Green Tea

Green Tea has become famous in the past few years due to its weight loss benefits. Green tea is healthy, and that is why many people have now started drinking green tea instead of milk tea to keep themselves healthy and fit. Green tea contains caffeine and EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate) which help in boosting metabolism and burning fat.

Add a green tea bag to one cup of steaming hot water. Allow it to steep for about 15 minutes. Remove the tea bag and mix one teaspoon of honey in the tea. Stir properly and drink this two times a day to get a slimmer body. This fantastic recipe can help you shed pounds in just 1 week.

8. Honey and Apple Cider Vinegar

There are many health benefits of apple cider vinegar. It contains antioxidants which reduce food cravings, boost the immune system and speed up metabolism.
There are many ways to use apple cider vinegar and honey for weight loss.

Method 1:

Take one tablespoon each of honey and apple cider vinegar and mix them in a glass of water. Drink this mixture daily before going to bed.

Method 2:

Take two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar, one teaspoon garlic juice, two teaspoons raw honey, two tablespoons lemon juice and a pinch of cayenne pepper. Now, mix all of these ingredients in a glass of water. Drink this before each meal.

Method 3:

Take a glass of fresh grape juice and mix in one tablespoon each of honey and apple cider vinegar. Stir well and drink before going to bed.

9. Honey and Mint

Mint aids weight loss by boosting metabolism. It also stimulates digestive enzymes which help to facilitate better absorption of nutrients from food and aid weight loss.

Coriander Water

Take 8 cups of water, juice of 6 lemons, ten mint leaves, half a cup of honey and few ice cubes. Place all of these ingredients in a blender and blend until it forms a smooth consistency. Then, put the mixture into a refrigerator. Strain the mixture after two hours. Sip the juice during the meals.

10. Honey and Black Pepper

Black pepper is rich in healthy fats and dietary fibre which helps promote weight loss too.
Mix one tablespoon of black pepper powder and one tablespoon of honey. Consume it followed by a glass of water. Follow this remedy daily to reduce weight.

11. Honey and Tomato

Tomato is a healthy fruit for weight loss. Tomato is a fat-fighting food which reduces inflammation and water retention in the body and also reverses leptin resistance. Leptin is a kind of protein which helps to regulate metabolic rate and appetite. This, in turn, promotes weight loss. This remedy will help you give a slim figure.

One of the highly effective ways to use honey for weight loss is to mix it with tomato. Take two ripe tomatoes, five mint leaves and one cup of water. Put all these ingredients in a blender. Then, add one tablespoon of honey and a pinch of black pepper to it and stir well. Drink this mixture every day before breakfast.

12. Honey and Milk

One of the best sources of calcium is milk. Milk is undoubtedly an excellent source of protein, calcium, vitamins and zinc; all of which helps in keeping body healthy and fit. On top of that, milk is a powerhouse of calcium and according to recent researches; calcium helps the body to break down fat more effectively, which in turn, stimulates weight loss.

You can use milk and honey for weight loss. Take a glass of lukewarm or cold milk and mix one tablespoon of honey. Consume it daily with your breakfast. Drinking this mixture can help you maintain body weight and boost your immune system.

13. Honey and Chicken

Sounds weird right? You must be thinking how honey can be used with chicken. Well, everything is possible! Lean chicken contains protein and other nutrients that aid weight loss.


You can add honey to chicken pieces before you grill it over an open fire or a barbeque. This will give you a low-calorie chicken and will taste delicious too.

14. Honey and Oatmeal

Oats are considered one of the best foods for weight loss. They are high in nutrients and low in calories and are just a perfect breakfast meal. On top of that, it controls diabetes, reduces hypertension and absorbs bad cholesterol. So, another wonderful way to use honey for weight loss is to add it with oatmeal. Try this recipe to burn calories quickly.

Take one cup of oatmeal and cook it with water or milk. Now, allow it to cool till lukewarm. Add one teaspoon of honey to oatmeal and stir thoroughly. Eat this for breakfast every day.

15. Honey and Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera speeds up metabolism, improves digestion and burns calories, and that is why it is used widely for weight loss. Mixing aloe vera with honey is one of the easiest ways to use honey for weight loss.

Method 1:

Take two tablespoons of aloe vera gel and add one tablespoon of honey to it. Mix well and consume it on an empty stomach.

Method 2:

Alternatively, you can add one tablespoon honey to a glass of fresh aloe vera juice and drink it daily to burn fat.

16. Honey and Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is an excellent weight loss friendly fat. It contains fatty acids which boost metabolism. Several studies show that by adding coconut oil to your diet, you can lose fat, especially the “dangerous” fat in the abdominal cavity.

Take one glass of hot water and add one tablespoon of raw honey in it. Now add one tablespoon of organic virgin coconut oil in it. Stir all the ingredients properly and drink it. Take this once every day in, preferably in the morning to lose weight and get a well-shaped body.

Few Tips and Precautions:

1. Use raw and organic honey if you want to lose weight.

2. If you want to reduce weight, you can try any method as per your convenience to see which one works best for you.

3. Never cook honey at high temperatures as heat can damage the nutrients present in it.

4. Those who are allergic to pollen should not eat honey.

5. Do not overeat of honey as it can lead to high blood sugar levels. You should limit your consumption of honey to 6 tablespoons per day.

6. If you are diabetic or pregnant, then you must consult your Doctor  before using honey.

These were some of the best ways to use honey for weight loss. Using any of these remedies religiously can make you lose weight quickly. But, it would be excellent if you use honey on a regular basis to keep yourself healthy and fit. However, do not consume honey excessively because it contains calories which can harm your health if taken more than required.

Apart from using honey for weight loss; you should also add other fibre and protein-rich foods to your diet if you want to shed a few pounds. Exercising for 30 minutes a day helps a lot in reducing weight. Thus, eat healthily and exercise to get a slim body! If you have gained weight unexpectedly, then you must see a Doctor as there may be other reasons for your weight gain which you don’t know about!

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