Practice Daily Yoga To Stay Fit Even on the Move

Practice Daily Yoga To Stay Fit Even on the Move

09-06-2015   |   Posted By: Admin   |   2600 View(s)

People love to travel, seeing new things, experiencing new activities, adventures and excitement. The exhilaration is what inspires people to travel, a break from the monotonous lifestyle. The only problem people face while travelling is that the feeling of being cramped up, in train compartments, bus or on an aeroplane. This cramped up position causes a lot of muscle aches and joint problems, stiff back or stiff neck and so on.Doing Daily Yoga exercises can helps us get rid of these problems

These problems often crop up, and most of us don’t know how to deal with them. Pain killers are the wrong way to handle these problems. Certain exercises may help in reducing such stress and pain in the body. Yoga is one of those exercises that can help release cramped and stressed muscles.

Yoga can be done anywhere and everywhere even if you are travelling. It helps in blood flowing into the stressed and cramped muscles. And to stretch those muscles, that are stressed for a long period because of travelling.

Health Benefits of Yoga

Some Daily Yoga exercises which can be performed while travelling:

1: Ardha Adho Makha Svanasana or the Half Dog

One must place the fingertips on the wall at hip height, then place your feet back and bend your hips till the torso so that the hip turns 90-degree angle with the floor and the ankles should be directly underneath the hips. This asana helps to open the chest, hamstrings, back and shoulders. This asana is mainly useful to relieve oneself from lower back pain caused by spending a long time in a cramped place.

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2. Utkatasana or the Chair Pose

Stand straight with your back against a wall with hands on your hips.  Step your feet about 2 feet away from the wall and bend your knees into a right angle, as though you’re sitting in a chair. Adjust your feet so that your shins are perpendicular to them, with your knees stacked above your ankles. The benefits of this asana, it helps to strengthen your shins, glutes, core and legs. All the parts above of our body do not get enough blood flowing in them while sleeping or sitting or sitting with our seat belts on.

3. Vrksasana or the tree pose

Plant one foot firmly on the floor, then bring the other foot inside of the standing legs upper thighs and calf. Stand close to a wall and within your reach to maintain your balance. Switch to repeat the same. The benefit of this asana is that it helps maintain your balance improves the stability of the ankles and foot arch strength. Relieves from stiff legs during long travel.

4. Utthita Hasta Padang’s asana or standing on your big toe

Plant your leg firmly on the ground, shift your entire weight onto it and lift your right leg of the floor. Bend the right knee forward and reach your big toe of the right foot and stand straight. Modify this asana by drawing the right knee into your chest with the right inner elbow. The benefits of this asana are that it improves the balance and helps stretching the hamstring and lower back.

5. Uttanasana or Forward Bend

Place your feet firmly on the ground and bend and try to place your fingertips and palms on the edge of each foot. Pull your torso forward for a serious stretch. This asana is beneficial for releasing the stress of the spine, lower back and hamstrings also help stimulates the flow of blood to the brain.

These are some of the steps or yoga asanas which will help us in our daily day to day life. There are other asanas, as well which are far more complicated to practise while travelling. So, try these out so that your body gets stretched and allows the blood to flow in the jammed and crammed places of our body. However, it is advisable to consult your doctor in case you are suffering from any pre-existing diseases as the asana might not be suitable for everybody and as such it is utmost important that proper precautions be taken before performing them.

However, it is advisable to consult your doctor in case you are suffering from any pre-existing diseases as the asana might not be suitable for everybody and as such it is utmost important that proper precautions be taken before performing them.

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