Nutritious Foods for a Vegetarian Diet

Nutritious Foods for a Vegetarian Diet

31-07-2015   |   Posted By: Admin   |   2638 View(s)

There are a countless number of reasons why one can choose a Vegetarian Diet over the one- having grilled fish and chicken tandoori. From love for animal kingdom to the desire for a clean living- multiple causes may set you on full vegetarian ( or vegan) mode. But do remember one thing that, an all-veg diet may deprive your body of essential nutrients like-

• Protein
• Iron
• Calcium
• Zinc
• Vitamin B12 &
• Vitamin D.

You need to gather these nutrients from different resources. The following super veg foods must find their places in your kitchen and on your plate; to replenish your body.

Go Nifty with Nuts

Whether you chew on overnight water-soaked almonds in the morning or bake muffins with cashew, nuts are great for your health. Almonds, cashew, peanuts, and walnuts- you can have them in mixture form. Zinc-3, Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E, is some of the nutrients that your body will receive from nuts. Download some good nut based cake/pudding/muffin recipes from the internet and replicate them in your kitchen. You can also keep a bag full of mixed nuts inside your desk drawer and much on them in-between meals.

Show some love to Leafy Greens

Do you like smoothies and are always on the look-out for healthy recipes? Then do try out spinach smoothies for your breakfast. Want to have Indian-style curry for your dinner? Why not do it with broccoli? These dark, leafy veggies are full of natural goodness like- zinc, vitamin A, anti-oxidants and iron.

Even if you don’t like veggies much, you should do it forcefully now onwards as you have selected the vegan life for yourself. Also, don’t over-cook them with spices. You should eat your vegetables as much as- it is in the purest form.

Also Read: Healthy Eating for a Healthy Life

Snack up with dry fruits  for a Nutritious Vegetarian Diet

Sprinkle some prunes and dates and make your otherwise dull breakfast porridge interesting. Prepare fresh cranberry juices and drink it after sweating out in the gym. Bake some apricot cookies and relish them with afternoon tea.

Eating dried fruits in moderation every day will provide your body with much-needed iron. Those women, who mainly suffer from anaemia, must have these iron-rich sources in the everyday diet.

Take a chance with Tofu

Did you like grilled fish or meat in winter Bar-B-Q parties? Then don’t feel dejected as now you are vegetarian. Tofu  can be a great substitute for any lean meat and fish when it comes to vitamin B12, zinc, iron and protein. Even half-cup of tofu is full of calcium that is required for a grown-up body. Prepare tofu salad, grilled tofu and stir-fry tofu.

Apart from the above foods; beans, lentils, grains are some of the other must-to-have foods for a Vegetarian Diet. But don’t get stuck in a rut. Mix and match them to make your platter tastier.

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