Amazing Health and Weight Loss Benefits of Green Tea

Amazing Health and Weight Loss Benefits of Green Tea

22-02-2015   |   Posted By: Admin   |   5723 View(s)

Last year when I came to know that drinking green tea can make us lose weight, I started drinking 2 – 3 cups of hot green tea mixed with lemon every day. And the results shocked me! I lost 2 kgs in a month – Yes, a month! Whenever I flipped through channels, I saw advertisements for Green Tea and how it helps people lose weight. All I did was pat my back for having resort to drinking green tea for weight loss. The question is, does green tea really aid weight loss? And the answer is yes, it does! No kidding I am, believe me. I have advised a lot of my relatives and friends and colleagues to try green tea recipes for weight loss, and thankfully, have received many gifts from them for telling them a weight loss recipe that actually worked. So, I am gonna share with you the numerous benefits of Green Tea and the success of my weight loss in this blog. Here are some effective ways to use green tea for weight loss. Before moving on to the recipies let us first discuss Green Tea at Lenght.

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Facts about Green Tea and the Numerous Health Benefits of Green Tea

Tea, being the most commonly consumed beverage all over the world, can be enjoyed both as hot as well as a cold beverage. Very few of us know that Tea can be had at room temperature too. If you have been skipping tea for some time, you might reconsider as there are numerous health benefits of drinking green tea!

In general, there are three kinds of tea – Green, Black, and Oolong. All three types come from the same plant – Camellia Sinensis. The difference lies in the way; they are processed. The Black and Oolong tea is fermented, while Green Tea leaves are not fermented; instead, they are dried in different processes all together! Each type of tea has its taste, caffeine content and health benefits.

In recent years, Green tea has gained a lot of popularity across the globe, because of the plethora of health benefits. Ample research works have been carried out in the last few decades, to find out how it helps in weight loss! The ratio of antioxidants in tea is highest among all three forms of teas (green, black and oolong). Therefore, it is the healthiest beverage among the family. Moreover, Green Tea also contains antioxidants, known as catechin polyphenols that are mainly responsible for maximum health benefits it offers.

Green Tea is one of the healthiest drinks in the world. It serves many health purposes as it is loaded with antioxidants and nutrients. It helps in Weight Loss, Promotes Hair Growth, helps in skincare, boosts energy and also reduces stress. Health and Weight loss Benefits of Green Tea are many, and that is why most people have now switched over from drinking milk tea to Green Tea.

Amazing Health and Weight Loss Benefits of Green Tea :

1. It Helps People Shed a few Extra Pounds

Obesity is one of the biggest problems that people face all over the world. Who doesn’t want to have that toned, fit body? Everybody does! And so we must add Green Tea to our diet if we want to lose weight. Green Tea is rich in natural antioxidants known as Catechin Polyphenols which primarily helps in weight loss by burning fat and calories efficiently;

Green Tea

2. It Helps in Reducing Cholesterol

High levels of cholesterol in the body can pose a serious threat to your health, particularly Cardiovascular Diseases and Stroke. Green tea includes Tannins that helps lower the “Bad Cholesterol” in the body. Thus, Green Tea helps in reducing the risk of getting Heart Diseases. Along with drinking Green Tea, one must also keep the cholesterol in check on a regular basis in check to prevent diseases. Recent research suggests that green tea reduces the risk of strokes and heart attack. By balancing the cholesterol level, it also prevents other diseases.

3. It gives A Healthy Skin

Various researchers have shown that Green Tea is helpful in skincare. Green Tea has certain antioxidants which help you get glowing skin, delay signs of skin ageing, fine lines, wrinkles; protect the skin from sun damage and makes the skin healthy.

Also, Green Tea contains polyphenols which help in neutralizing the harmful free radicals which can cause severe damage to the skin and accelerate the ageing process. Even today, many people are unaware of the fact that any form of tea, can help them to maintain freshness and skin health because of its antioxidant properties.

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4. It Helps Manage Diabetes

One of the Numerous Benefits of Green Tea is that it can also be really effective in managing Type 2 Diabetes. Green Tea contains natural antioxidants which inhibit the secretion of an enzyme called as alpha-glucosidase, which slows down the absorption of glucose in our bloodstream which means that less insulin is required to manage glucose in the bloodstream and that is how Green Tea helps in controlling Diabetes.

5.Suppress Appetite

Green tea also helps suppress appetite. Thus, you can easily avoid overeating or skip meals by having green tea consistently.

6. It Helps in Controlling and Managing Blood Pressure

In today’s busy life of hustle bustles, high blood pressure is a common problem faced by individuals due to excessive stress, subjecting the body to all forms of cardiovascular diseases. Green tea tends to lower blood pressure easily and after that all the risks associated with it.

Caffeine is included in the Green Tea, and it is a known fact that caffeine is not good for the people who have Hypertension. However, the percentage of caffeine in Green Tea is very low. Also, drinking Green tea has positive effects on overall heart health. It helps manage Diabetes and Cholesterol, thus managing High Blood Pressure.

7. It helps in Preventing Arthritis

One of the many benefits of Green Tea is that it also assists in preventing and reducing the risk of Rheumatoid Arthritis. There are certain proteins called Chemokines which boost the inflammation in the body and destroy flexibility of the cartilage, which is one of the common symptoms of Arthritis. Green Tea helps in blocking the production of this particular enzyme, Chemokine and protects the cartilage, thus preventing Arthritis.


8. It Helps People Deal With Asthma

People who have Asthma should drink Green Tea. Green Tea contains theophylline, which relaxes the muscles that give support to the bronchial tubes and thus reduces the severity of Asthma.  Also, Green tea helps in keeping allergy at bay, and thus help prevent Asthma which occurs due to allergic reactions.

9. It Keeps Liver Healthy

Green Tea is loaded with antioxidants which help in keeping the liver healthy by getting rid of the harmful free radicals. As we know that Green Tea helps in reducing weight by increasing the metabolic rate, it also helps prevent the movement of glucose in fat cells, thus reducing the pressure on the liver and keeps the liver healthy.

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10.It helps in the prevention of Neurological Diseases

One of the many health benefits of Green Tea is that it helps in the treatment of Neurological Diseases. Green Tea contains polyphenols which contribute to maintaining the parts of the brain that regulate our memory and learning. These polyphenols help prevent cell damage in the brain. The consumption of Green Tea on a regular basis can help significantly in the prevention and treatment of degenerative and neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson`s.

11. It Helps in Repairing Tissues

Lemons are loaded with Vitamin C, and Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant. You can add lemon juice in a cup of green tea. This mixture of Green Tea and Lemon juice helps in developing and repairing different tissues in our body, including blood vessels, bones, skin, teeth, ligaments and cartilage. Also, it helps in healing wounds.

12.Helps in Fighting Cancer

It essentially lowers the risk of cancer, by affecting the cancer cells and prevents the disease from entering the body.


Drinking tea helps to build up the immunity of the body. Studies have also revealed that drinking tea consistently increases body immunity manifold, compared to those preferring coffee.

How to Use Green Tea for Weight Loss?

1. Green Tea and Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are enriched with protein, fibre, and omega 3 fatty acids. Green tea and chia seed is the perfect combination to achieve weight loss goals.

Green tea oil

Take one cup of water and bring it to boil. Put the green tea bag into the water and allow it to steep for three minutes. Remove the tea bag, and add chia seeds. Mix well and leave the mixture in the fridge for an hour. Take it out after one hour, shake well and drink.

2. Green Tea and Aloe Vera

Aloe vera lowers cholesterol levels, strengthens our immune system, boosts metabolism, and promotes weight loss.
To prepare this green tea recipe, you will need one cup of hot water, one green tea bag, 1 teaspoon of fresh aloe vera gel, and one teaspoon honey.

Now, simply pour a cup of hot water into a pitcher and put a tea bag in it. Allow it to steep for about two minutes. Then remove the tea bag and add aloe vera and honey to the tea. Stir well and then pour the tea into a teacup. Enjoy!

3. Green Tea and Cinnamon

Cinnamon contains nutrients that help lower cholesterol levels, and promote heart health. It also helps to prevent cancer, improve cognitive abilities, and promote weight loss.

For this recipe, you will need one green tea bag, 1 cinnamon stick, juice of ½ lemon, 3 cups of hot water, and one tablespoon honey.

Steep cinnamon stick and tea in hot water for about 5 minutes. Mix in honey and fresh lemon juice. Stir well and enjoy!

These were the top ways to use green tea for weight loss. However, these are just natural remedies and won’t yield great weight loss results if you do not exercise and eat a healthy diet. You must avoid eating junk food, go for a walk daily, and eat a balanced diet to lose weight quickly and reap the full benefits of Green Tea.

These are but only a few amongst the many Benefits of Green Tea. Instead of opting for rigorous physical exercises or the slimming capsules, grab your daily cup of green tea and watch health improving significantly!. Thus, from today onwards, replace your cup of tea and coffee to Green Tea and enjoy the many benefits of this amazing tea. You will see yourself getting healthier and happier once you start drinking Green Tea. Apart from this, you must also eat healthily and visit a Doctor on a regular basis to keep diseases and illnesses at bay.

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