Got a Crush on Yanita Yancheva? Get a Body Like Her with These Tips!

Got a Crush on Yanita Yancheva? Get a Body Like Her with These Tips!

21-09-2017   |   Posted By: Chhavi   |   5848 View(s)

Yanita Yancheva has become the talk of the town these days. With her inspiring gym pictures and workout videos, she has now become an online sensation with a huge fan following all around the globe. She is a passionate fitness model and fitness trainer who believes that body is the only home you have to live in; so you must nurture it, honour it, love it and respect it. Her fitness tips have inspired a lot of people, and she has become Instacrush of most people as she has gained a huge popularity on social sites like Instagram and Facebook.

She has a perfect body which is loved by both men and women. Needless to say, it is quite difficult to lose weight and get a body like her. But, one can always try, and if you try, you may succeed. So, if you want to lose weight and get a body like Yanita Yancheva, you must follow some fitness tips.

She stands 5.5 ft in her shoes and weighs 55 kg/ 121 lb. You must be wondering how the heck is she so fit, isn’t it? Well, she has worked really hard to get a physique like a Greek Goddess and even work harder to maintain that physique.

Yanita Yancheva Fitness Trainer

Yanita focuses on two primary things: Workout and Diet. She has a diet plan which she follows strictly, and her workout stories are known to almost everybody. Do you want to shed pounds and get a toned body like this Bulgarian star? If you do, then you must follow her tips to get a perfectly shaped body. Want to know the workout routine and diet plan of Yanita Yancheva? Well, let’s unfold this mystery now!

The Training Routine of Yanita Yancheva

She says that she trains each muscle group in a different day. She focuses on full body workout and does not confine her workout to a single muscle group. In an interview, she told that she does more exercises with free weights rather than on the machines. She trains for five days a week in the gym, and her workout routine looks like this:

Day 1: Monday- Back & Abs

• Pull Ups- 3 sets of 10 reps
• Barbell Row- 3 sets of 10 reps
• Seated Cable Row- 3 Sets of 12 reps
• Wide Grip Lat Pulldown- 3 sets of 10 reps
• Hyperextensions- 4 sets of 20 reps

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Day 2: Tuesday- Shoulder & Abs

• Upright Row- 3 Sets of 10 Reps
• Dumbbell Shoulder Press- 4 Sets of 12 reps
• Barbell Shoulder Press- 3 sets of 15 reps
• Side Shoulder Raise- 3 sets of 15 reps
• Bent Over Side Shoulder Raise- 3 sets of 18 reps

Day 3: Wednesday- Biceps, Triceps and Abs

• Triceps Dips- 3 sets of 12 reps
• Biceps Dumbbell Curl- 3 sets of 12 reps
• Hammer Biceps Curls- 3 sets of 15 reps
• Standing Dumbbell Kick Back- 3 sets of 12 reps
• Dumbbell One-Arm Triceps Extension- 3 sets of 12 reps
• Standing Barbell Biceps Curls- 1 set of 21 reps


Day 4: Thursday- Legs, Abs and Booty

• Squats- 4 sets of 12 reps
• Thigh Abductor- 4 sets of 20 reps
• Lunges- 4 sets of 20 reps
• Superset- Inner Thigh Abductor and Outer Thigh Abductor- 3 sets of 30 reps of each exercise.
• Deadlift- 4 sets of 20 reps
• Calf Raises- 4 sets of 20 reps

Day 5: Friday- HIIT

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT Session) – Cycle Machine, Stair Master and Treadmill

Also Read: Tips to Stay Motivated to Go to The Gym

Saturday & Sunday- Rest

Yanita says that it is important to have off days while you are training. Our body also needs to recover and so on off days it is important to relax. But, make sure that you keep eating well so that the body gets the right nutrition to recover for the days to come.

The Diet Routine of Yanita Yancheva

In an interview, Yanita said that she never skips her breakfast as it is the most important meal of the day. She takes her meals in equal 3 hours time interval and takes carbohydrates and amino acids right after her workout. She drinks plenty of healthy fluids throughout the day and stays away from fatty foods. She says that one can have their meal late in the evening, but then the meal should be carbohydrate free and non-fatty like vegetables and meat.

Protein Sources

Here is the list of foods that Yanita includes in her diet

1. Proteins

• Chicken
• Egg Whites
• Turkey
• Protein Powder
• Fish
• Sirloin
2. Carbs
• White Rice
• Sweet Potato
• Oatmeal
3. Vegetables
• Broccoli
• Cucumber
• Salad
• Asparagus

Three tips Given by Yanita that People Can Implement Right Now

Make a Plan- Yanita says that one must make a plan and set realistic goals for oneself. It will help you a lot in achieving your goals.
Eat Healthily- According to Yanita, proper diet is the key to a fit body. It doesn’t matter at all how much you are sweating out at the gym; if you are not eating healthy, all your efforts will go in vain. So, eat a healthy and nutritious diet to stay fit and active.
Train Hard- Yanita believes that success comes to those who work hard for it. You cannot get a fit body unless you train hard to achieve it. So, be an early bird and hit the gym regularly to work out and get a fit body.

The Best Advice Given by Yanita Yancheva

In an interview, Yanita was asked the following question- ‘What is Your Best Advice for someone looking to start getting fit?; to which she replied that one must keep in mind that everyone has different goals. She says that you must never compare yourself to others as you are unique. Yanita believes that it is completely fine to get motivated by others, but at the end of the day, you have to be your own motivation. Your only competitor is you, and so you must look for motivation from within and maintain a healthy balanced lifestyle in all life’s aspect so that you continue to grow as an amazing person.

She also says that you should surround yourself with people who have a positive approach towards life and who know what they are doing. Also, surround yourself with people who can guide you and motivate you to achieve the good things in life. Everyone has a different style of training and coaching, so do what works for you.

If you want to get a fit body, then stop making excuses now! Rise above your excuses and resist all the negative thoughts. Remember, ‘Quitting is not an option at all.’  Be determined, you’re your patience, work out and eat a healthy diet to get a fit body.

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