Exercises for Kids to Stay Fit !
30-04-2016 | Posted By: Admin | 2027 View(s)
People in the contemporary age are becoming quite health conscious. And, why not; after all, compared to the bygone eras, there seems to be a wider spread of junk foods which, if not taken in proportionate amount with regular dosage of fitness activities, is sure to take a toll on our health. But whenever health, fitness and related exercises are discussed, we mostly refer to the adults and happily outcast the children. However, do you know the children are more prone to obesity and overweight issues in the contemporary age than ever, and Exercises for kids should be a top priority?
So, buckle up and teach your children some ground rules of fitness along with some important activities that will allow them always to remain fit and healthy. If you are wondering where and how to start, read on about some Exercises for kids to stay fit and tuned:
1. Make swimming a part of your child’s regular activities:
Most kids love water; so, without fretting much, teach your kid(s) some basic rules of water safety as early as possible. In fact, you may also enrol yourself in a basic course along with your preschool kid. It can be a learning experience for you as well, and your child will have some someone to depend on! The basic courses teach blowing bubbles and holding breath underwater before proper swimming lessons. Swimming allows your kid to be healthy and maintains their structure as well.
2. Let your child take part in outdoor activities at a younger age:
These days, when computer games and mobile games are becoming the norm, it may be quite hard to keep your children off it. However, to keep your child healthy, try and keep off these gadgets as much as possible. Instead, encourage them to go out and play any sport they feel like, and breathe in some fresh air. These regular outdoor games make your child follow a definitive schedule of physical activities, and help them stay fitter and finer -always.
3. Encourage squats and push-ups if your child has reached adolescence:
If your child is around 12 years old, you may encourage him/her to try squats and push-ups. This enhances the muscular strength of your kid’s body and provides proper sinewy shape to the body. These two exercises allow your kid to develop strength without injuring bones or joints. However, keep your child off any weight training as much as possible.
4. Exercises for Kids: Make running a part of your child’s daily activities:
Running, like swimming, is an excellent fitness activity. So, get them run around your house or the park as much as possible. This again increases the muscular strength and keeps your kid’s body hydrated and fine.
5. Bicycling, Skating and Dancing are other good options:
While your kid may cycle his/her way to school and around the park, you may have to take the added burden of enrolling them to dancing or skating lesson if they wish to continue with the same. It may be any form of skating or dancing—both these activities allow your kid to inculcate some serious craft as well as keep themselves fit, fine and in shape!
Besides these exercises, make them have fresh fruits, their daily dose of protein and lots of water. Keep them off from gadget games and junk food as much as possible for a healthier self.