Discover Amazing Tips to Gain Weight Quickly
23-01-2017 | Posted By: Admin | 9750 View(s)
Most of the people today are dealing with Obesity problem and the Internet is flooded with articles and videos on Weight Loss Tips. While so many people are leaving no stones unturned to shed a few pounds, many have a lean body and genuinely want to put on some weight. Nobody likes to have a lean, underweight body and no one likes to be made fun of due to their weight. And, therefore, they must follow some Diet Tips to Gain Weight as being Underweight is dangerous for health.
Losing weight requires a lot of efforts whereas gaining weight is not that easy too! How to lose weight faster? How to gain weight faster? These are the questions that everyone often asks from Fitness experts and trainers. People often tend to believe in the advertisements and products that promise to help them gain weight, but we never know if they would work or not! But what if some modifications in your lifestyle can lead to weight gain?Want to get rid of that skinny body without spending on those powders and pills? Read on to find out how you can do it! Here are some Great Tips to Gain Weight and get miraculous results you always desired for but before that let’s explore its causes
There are many Causes of Being Underweight such as:
• Genetics: Genetics of Humans can also be a reason for being underweight.
• Illness– There are many kinds of Health problems which lead to Weight Loss.
• Psychological– Depression or Eating Disorders can also lead to Weight Loss. Being Underweight isn’t healthy as those who are Underweight face health problems like- Anemia, Weak immune system, Osteoporosis, Hair Loss, Irregular Hormone Regulation and Menstrual irregularities.
Weight Gain is as challenging as Weight Loss. It is a time- consuming process which will require a lot of dedication, hard work and patience from your side. This blog will tell you some of the Best Diet Tips to Gain Weight.
Tips to Gain Weight
1.Increase your Intake of Meals:
You must have 6 mix meals a day. It does not mean that you have to load your stomach with a lot of food, but you must eat frequently. Out of 6, 3 meals should be heavy, and 3 should be light. Your Breakfast and Lunch must be heavy and high in calories, and dinner must be light. In between Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner, you must have 2-3 snacks. For snacks, avoid junk food. You can have nuts and dry fruits or a cheese sandwich as a snack. But, remember to take 6 meals every day. When you frequently eat in small portions, it helps in maintaining consistent energy levels in your body and also improves metabolism.
Also, make sure that you are having meals at the right time, which means that when it is Lunchtime you must have proper lunch and not snacks and vice-versa.
2.Calculate Your Calorie Requirement
The amount of calorie required by a person may differ from the other as every individual is different. What you can do is, just keep an eye on your calorie requirement and intake and once you figure it out, add 300-500 more calories to your daily diet by introducing high-calorie foods to your diet. Doing so will help you make a miraculous change in your weight. Do not forget to fix a schedule for your meals to get enough calories throughout the day.You should gain weight slowly and steadily, so we suggest you not to make drastic changes in your diet but move gradually and start taking small steps instead.
3. Eat A Healthy Diet
Eating a nutritional diet is vital if you are aiming to gain some weight. You should eat a balanced diet which contains a mix of protein, carbs, and fats. Try including high-calorie foods in your diet like seeds, nuts, starchy vegetables, low-fat dairy, peanut butter, eggs and whole grains. Even if you are trying to put on some weight, do not just eat everything that comes your way. You should gain a fair amount of muscle mass and subcutaneous fat and not a bunch of unhealthy tummy fat, right? You should refrain from foods like burgers, cheesecake, candies, potato fries and other unhealthy foods as they don’t help in gaining muscle weight but these foods may be tempting enough to make you grab them, though they are not at all good for your health in all aspects.
4.Have Foods that are Rich in Proteins
Proteins are the building blocks of muscles. They contain amino acids which strengthen the body muscles. Thus you must include high protein foods in your diet.
Aiming to gain some weight? Protein should be an absolute must in your diet then, as it is an essential nutrient for gaining healthy weight.why? Here’s the answer, protein is responsible for forming the building blocks of your muscles, and this is why eating protein in an adequate amount is vital to gain muscle weight instead of just fat. Muscle is made up of protein, and most of the extra calories may end up as body fat in the absence of protein. Studies suggest that a high protein diet can cause many of the extra calories to turn into muscles during the periods of overfeeding. The only drawback is, protein is highly filling which can reduce your appetite and hunger and it may make it harder to get adequate calories.
How much protein should do eat then? You should consume 1.4-1.8 grammes per kilogramme, around 0.64-0.82 grammes of protein per pound of body weight on a regular basis to build muscle and gain weight.
Some good sources of protein:
-Many dairy products
These are some of the high-protein foods whereas there are many protein supplements available in the market like whey protein which can be beneficial to get enough protein in your diet.
5.Tips to Gain Weight :Consume Healthy Fats:
To gain weight, it is necessary that you intake a good amount of Healthy Fats. It is because Good Fats are vital for the production of hormones and growth and strengthening of muscles. Also, good fats help in elevating the metabolic rate which helps the body in losing bad fats and gain good fats. Omega-3 and Omega-6 contain Healthy Fats which helps in boosting immunity and has many other health benefits. You can take Healthy Fats by consuming leafy vegetables, salmon, nuts, cheese, dark chocolates, olive oil and fish. This is one of the most efficient Tips to Gain Weight.
6.Have Calorie Rich Juices and Snacks:
Weight Loss and Weight Gain is influenced by the number of calories you intake daily. If you take more calories, it will result in weight gain. So, what are you waiting for? Start taking juices and foods which are rich in calories such as- Peanut Butter, low-fat cheese, avocados, Dried Fruits and Nuts. Follow this Diet Tip and gain weight effectively.
You can introduce different smoothies to your weight gain program instead of drinking protein shakes and taking pills. The delicious smoothies can make your weight gain plan exciting. You can prepare many tempting smoothies which not only taste good but are just amazing for your weight gain goal.
7.Drink Lots Of Water
Do not forget to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated throughout the day. Water does not only help you stay hydrated, but it also plays a significant role in increasing your weight. It is vital to get enough liquid to stay healthy while working on your weight gain plan.
8.Exercise Daily
“Workouts are only necessary if you want to lose some weight” Do you believe in the statement? If yes, then you need to correct yourself! You are adding more calories to your diet, therefore including a muscle regime in your weight gain plan is necessary. Exercise is equally important for losing weight and gaining weight. You need to work out hard if you want to have that toned body. Make sure you are participating in a balanced combination of weight training, cardio and flexibility exercises each day.
Some exercises for beginners:
-Overhead press
-Triceps Dips
Try including these physical activities and once you are making progress, do not hesitate to add in other exercises like dips or other such workouts. Take rest for at least 3 minutes between each set instead of repeating the exercises rigorously. Don’t just lift heavyweights in one go.
Exercise is one of the best tips to gain weight. You must exercise daily if you want to gain weight at a faster pace as if you work out regularly, it will stimulate your appetite, which in turn will increase your intake of food. Do the above-mentioned exercises but it is advisable to practice these Exercises under the supervision of a professional trainer. You can also begin with some light exercises like aerobics, stretching and cardiovascular diseases. Certain daily activities like walking, cycling, swimming, dancing and etc. can also help in gaining weight.
9. Avoid Stress
As already mentioned earlier, one of the causes of Weight Loss is Stress and Depression. So, you must say no to ‘Stress’ in life and be happy so that you can lead a healthy and hearty life. Yoga, Breathing Exercises, Meditation, and giving time to Hobbies are some of the ways to reduce Stress. Chocolate is also a great stress reliever. So, whenever you feel stressed, grab the chocolate and start doing something that you like to do, and see stress going away in no time.
10. Make A Diet Plan
This is one of the many Tips to Gain Weight. Making a diet plan can help you gain weight in the next 45 days. Try making and following a diet plan for this week and get ready to witness the change in your weight.
What is an ideal diet plan for Weight Gain?
Soak ten almonds in water overnight and eat them just after you wake up in the morning. Prepare a glass of banana shake and club it with one bowl of vegetable oats. You can substitute these with 30 g paneer, tofu or 2 slices of multigrain bread.
Eat your favourite fruit(1 whole), and you can either drink one glass of lassi or coconut milk.
Eat 2-3 chapattis with one bowl vegetables(sabzi) and cottage cheese and curd.
Evening snack:
For your evening snack, have one glass of banana shake again with two biscuits, one bowl upma or poha.
Do not forget to have one bowl vegetable or chicken soup.
Eat 2-3 chapattis with one bowl vegetable(sabzi), one bowl dal with one bowl curd.
You can have one glass of milk with a pinch of turmeric and one tsp of honey in it before going to sleep. Make sure you maintain a gap or 2-3 hours between your dinner and sleep time. Go for a quick walk after dinner.
So, these are some of the Tips to Gain Weight which can help if you are trying to decipher how to gain weight! Gaining weight requires the same amount of dedication as one requires for the weight loss plan. Your discipline and commitment will be tested to its maximum level if you are trying to gain weight in the next 45 days. Do not expect to see a muscular and hefty you when standing In front of the mirror, but you can witness the considerable changes in your body which are enough for motivating you to continue with your weight gain program.
Tips to Gain Weight – Try these Home Remedies
1. Milk and Banana– Bananas are rich in carbohydrates, potassium and calories. For gaining weight, you must eat a banana every day in the morning with a glass of warm milk. However, do not take bananas when you have a cold and cough.
2. Peanut Butter– Peanut Butter tastes yummy when spread on bread and toast, and also helps in weight gain. Apply Peanut Butter on Bread and have this delicious breakfast every day which will make you gain weight in a short span of time.
3. Nuts– When you are feeling hungry and want to have some light snack, follow this remedy which will not only eliminate your hunger but also increase your weight. You can take a handful of nuts daily to increase weight. Also, you can try this Tip to Gain Weight- Take 3-4 almonds, 2 dates and one 1 Dried Fig. Add them all to a glass of milk and boil it. You can drink this for a month and see yourself gain weight quickly.
Some Do’s and Don’ts
• Drinking 8-10 glasses of water is vital as it keeps us hydrated.
• Cook Food in Healthy Oils.
• Consume more of calorie-rich foods and dairy fats like milk and cheese.
• Avoid the intake of fluids before lunch as they will reduce your appetite.
• Do not eat fruits on an empty stomach.
• Say ‘No’ to Smoking as it leads to Losing Weight.
Just like ‘Obesity’, being Underweight is also a serious health concern and should not be taken lightly. We must have an ideal body weight if we want to live a healthy and happy life. So, follow the Tips to Gain Weight and see yourself get transformed in a very short span of time.