Best Cardio Exercises to Stay Healthy & Fit
12-05-2017 | Posted By: Kumkum Sharma | 6857 View(s)
The most common quote that we have been taught from our childhood is, ‘A healthy mind resides in a healthy body’. The healthier you are, the better the life you can have! So, what does a healthy body mean anyway? Is it a body resembling a Greek god? Does it mean you have to look as you have been sculpted to perfection by the Lord above? No, not at all! It just means you have to be healthy and fit. And for that, cardio exercises can help you. One can easily stay healthy and fit by doing the best cardio exercises every day.
Yes! It cannot be denied that we live in an incredibly fast-growing world where money is everything. And it’s true that today money is the most important thing for most people. But if a person isn’t healthy and fit, then what is the use of money?
One cannot enjoy life with just money; one needs to be healthy to pursue hobbies and enjoy life to the fullest. Despite our busy schedule, we must take some time out for the workout and make it a part of our everyday lives.
Cardio Exercises can play a significant role in decreasing the body fat level. Together with an effective Diet plan, it can work wonders. Cardio may also help in restricting the body fat levels and enables more sweat to drip from the body. Cardio boosts the rate of heartbeat and respiration which is essential for bloodstream circulation in your body. It invariably helps in reducing stress and burning calories and as such investing time in Cardio exercises can pay rich dividends.
Today, people have realised the importance of good health and exercise. Many people do cardio by running on a treadmill (15 to 20 minutes), sprinting or cycling. But the thing is that it’s not necessary to do cardio with equipment.
So, how do we go about doing this? The answer is simple, isn’t it? Exercise at home! But which exercise? Did you just experience an adrenaline rush when you heard exercise and the very next second went cold? Don’t worry; you’re not alone! As a matter of fact, a lot of people sail in the same boat! The easiest and most flexible workout/exercise is cardio, and there are many benefits of Cardio Exercises.
Today, we are going to discuss the benefits of cardio exercises, and the best cardio exercises to do at home to stay healthy and fit.
The Basics of the Best Cardio Exercises:
Before moving on to the benefits of cardio exercises, let us understand the basics of cardio. What is cardio?
Across the globe, cardiac arrests are one of the leading causes of death. The saddest part is that this type of death is untimely and can be easily prevented with a little care from our end! How-Would be the next logical question? Aerobic exercises/Cardio is the answer! So, what is cardio? As the name suggests, it is the ability of your body to be able to efficiently supply blood and oxygen to all your muscles without any blockages. Any form of exercise that gets your heart pumping faster, increasing circulation is cardio!
So, how much is recommended? Given our busy schedules and other personal pressures, as per the recommendations of the American Heart Institution, healthy adults between the ages of 18 and 65 should aim to have around 150 minutes a week of moderate aerobic activity. But is this a ‘one size fits all’ affair? Obviously not!
Cardio can be divided into three categories:
1) To lose fat/mass: A minimum of a 20-40 minute workout session three to five times a week is recommended.
2) To gain weight: Light cardio for around 20-25 minutes twice a week is recommended.
3) Improving fitness and stamina: This is perhaps the most rigorous of our classification. Usually, sessions of around 30-40 minutes four to five times a week is recommended.
So what are the types of Cardio we have?
1) Moderate intensity cardio workout: Recommended for improving fitness and stamina
2) Fat loss: Usually intense jogging for around 30 minutes is recommended. However, if you don’t have the stamina to pull it off, you can take up low-intensity workouts like walks for the same duration of time.
3) Good shape and fat loss: This is more intense than the above two. This is called high-intensity training.
High intensity vs low intensity: It can be compared to an example of reaching the same destination using different modes of transportation. The time taken to reach your goal would obviously differ based on the type of workout you choose. High intensity creates a calorie deficit (that’s the whole motto of exercising!) more efficient than a low-intensity workout!
What are the Benefits of Cardio Exercises?
Cardiovascular exercises are a must to lose unwanted body fat. Regular cardio workout burns more body fats and calories in a short period. One should include cardio exercises in their fitness regime, and it should be done on a regular basis. Cardiovascular exercises help in gaining muscles; it helps in strengthening the whole body and increases stamina and metabolism rate.
Our body muscles are hidden within those unwanted layers of fat. If people don’t skip their cardio regime; it will help them in getting their desired physique. Everyone irrespective of gender can do cardiovascular exercises. These exercises help in improving people’s lifestyle; make them more active, beautiful and productive.
The cardiovascular workout is incredibly important for every human being. Most people don’t get ripped by doing weight training alone because of excess fat on their body. They should do weight training along with cardio exercises.
Cardiovascular exercise has its importance; it improves overall fitness and health which cannot be done by weight training or strength training alone. It results in more calorie burn as compared to strength training. It burns down flattering body fat.
1) Better functioning of the heart, reducing the probability of blockages.
2) Helps you be fit, increases metabolism.
3) Helps in preventing diabetes.
4) Increases your stamina, fitness levels.
3) Looks good on you. You will get to see a much better image in the mirror!
4) Reduces stress levels considerably
5) You can have a good night’s sleep! Your body gets tired after a rigorous workout and helps in getting a sound sleep after the day’s hard work!
Some of the best Cardio Exercises are:
Gymnasium :
The gym is the perfect spot for cardio. Although it is in a closed atmosphere, you can reduce the desired weight in the presence of best cardio experts during a workout session. Exercises like treadmill ought to be done as often as possible because it is the simplest and one of the most efficient ways to lose weight
Sports Activities:
Sports make the perfect cardiovascular exercise for most of people. Swimming is a terrific way to lose calories for a brief period. Also, sports is an exquisite way to stretch the muscles as well as lowering body fat levels in your body. Football, Basketball and all other sports which include cardio can be great for the body.
Yoga and fighting Techniques:
These ancient techniques carry a lot of advantages together with diet programs. Fighting techniques and yoga include some exercises and positions which involve heavy and healthy exercise. Using these old techniques along with a diet plan helps in reducing weight.
Swimming raises your heart rate, burns calories, gets your blood pumping, and boosts your lung capacity. It is one of the best cardio exercises to stay healthy and fit.
Cycling is one of the best cardio exercises for your heart. It elevates your heart rate and provides many more health benefits. It promotes weight loss too.
There are numerous health benefits of walking. It helps to lower blood pressure, keeps heart-healthy, and prevents a host of diseases. One must walk for 20 to 30 minutes every day.
Cardio Workouts for Weight Loss:
Cardio makes an excellent alternative for those who are busy in their everyday life. It may be included in the daily schedule. Morning hours are the best time for cardio because this involves workout on an empty stomach and can also be done within a short span of time with best results. Rehydration together with cardio is essential as you lose much quantity of water due to exercise. Use of water also removes waste and dead cells which are contained in the bloodstream flow.
The absolute minimum duration of 30 minutes of moderate cardio exercises is regarded as immensely effective to lose weight. Good muscle and internal structure of bones are developed considerably using the best cardio programs. Weight reduction through exercises like walking is extremely useful. Make it a habit of going walking to nearby places rather than going by Car,2-Wheeler, trains or buses.
Safeguards to be taken throughout the Exercise:
Cardio is a healthy exercise that burns excess body fat in your body through sweat and muscular movement. Continuous exercise may lead to a reduction in vital nutrition rapidly which is extremely harmful to health. It’s possible to face an immediate result of long breath and asthmatic problems. Also, irregular cardio does not help in reducing weight.
Doing the cardio exercises as mentioned above on a regular basis can help people maintain their health and keep diseases at bay. So, don’t make any exercise excuses and start doing cardio exercises now! No more days of being a nocturnal being! Turn towards a healthy lifestyle with the right amount of cardio exercises. Once you get used to it, you will realise the numerous health Benefits of Cardio Exercises. Stay Healthy, stay happy