8 Super Heart Healthy Foods to Include in Your Diet

8 Super Heart Healthy Foods to Include in Your Diet

04-02-2017   |   Posted By: Admin   |   4074 View(s)

The heart is one of the most important organs in the human body as it is vitally responsible for just about everything that gives our body life. With changing lifestyle, Heart Diseases are growing day by day all over the world. Our Heart can be kept Healthy If we follow a healthy diet and exercise regularly. But in this competitive era, everybody is too busy in following the rat race of being no 1, and are compromising on their health. Due to their busy schedules, people tend to eat packaged, fast foods, don’t exercise and many of them start smoking to reduce their stress, which in turn leads to various Heart Problems. But, keeping your Heart Healthy isn’t that difficult if you include some of the Heart-Healthy Foods in Your Diet.

Doctors say that by eating certain foods, you can reduce the risk of developing Cardiovascular diseases. So, if you don’t have time at all to exercise, you must include foods in your diet that will keep your heart healthy.

Drug for Treatment of Diabetes

Heart-Healthy Foods that must be included in your Diet:

1. Oatmeal

Oatmeal not only tastes delicious, but they also are good for our Heart. Oats is a wonderful meal to keep your Heart Healthy as it contains a particular type of fibre, i.e. Beta Glucan which helps in reducing Cholesterol. Include a bowl of Cooked Oatmeal in your Breakfast and stay fit and healthy. If by any chance, you don’t like the taste of Oatmeal or get bored with this dish, you can also include Mushrooms and Barley in your diet as they also contain Beta Glucan.


2. Salmon/Fish

For non-vegetarians, this can be one of the best Heart Healthy Foods to be included in their meals because it contains Omega-3 fatty acids which have an anti-clogging effect and keeps your blood flowing. So, include this food in your diet for twice a week and stay healthy. If you don’t like Salmon/ Fish or are a vegetarian, you can go for Omega 3 Capsules that are widely available in the market.

3. Walnuts

You must have been told by your parents to have plenty of dried fruits and nuts, including Walnuts. Well, it is for the sole reason that they provide a lot of health benefits. Walnuts are highly rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin E and fibre, all of which helps in keeping our heart healthy. You must have a handful of walnuts along with almonds and cashews to stay fit and healthy.

4. Olive Oil

We all know the magical benefits of Olive Oil. It is good for our Hair, Skin and has various other health benefits, including keeping our Heart Healthy. Grab a bottle of Extra Virgin Oil and use it for cooking purpose as it is considered healthier for your heart than any other vegetable oil. It is because it is rich in antioxidants and good fats which help to unclog your arteries and keep your heart healthy.

5. Dark Chocolate

We all have been scolded at least once in a lifetime for eating too many chocolates because our parents/elders thought it would affect our teeth and health. But, let’s just accept it, chocolates do taste good! So, if you are a chocolate lover, you will be happy to know that Dark Chocolates are very healthy for our Heart. Chocolate is made from the plant-Cacao. Cacao contains flavanols, which helps in reducing Blood Pressure and also prevent Blood Clots. Choose dark chocolate which has at least 70% Cocoa in it so that you get more flavanols and less sugar.


6. Avocado

This delicious food is loaded with ‘good fats’ which helps in reducing cholesterol which is bad for your health, thereby keeping your heart healthy. You must include this fruit in your diet, but be cautious! Avocado is high in calories, so don’t consume too many of it.

7. Apples

There is a very famous saying, ‘An apple a day keeps the Doctor away.’ Apples are rich in fibre which helps in lowering cholesterol levels. Also, it contains certain antioxidants which fight against LDL (low-density lipoproteins) cholesterol in the blood. Apples are one of the best Heart Healthy Foods. Make it a habit of eating one apple every day and no sickness will touch you.

8. Green Tea

Most of us like to start our day with tea or coffee as we feel fresh after having tea/coffee. However, no matter how much refreshment it gives us, the truth remains the same that it is bad for our health. Many pieces of research show that Green Tea helps in lowering blood pressure and ‘bad cholesterol.’ If you want to keep your heart healthy, you must replace tea and coffee with Green Tea.

Few Tips to Prevent Heart Diseases

1. Eat Healthily: Include leafy vegetables, whole grains and fruits in your diet. Drink 8-10 glasses of water every day.

2. Exercise: If you cannot do proper work-out, just go out for a walk for 30 minutes daily. Use stairs instead of the lift. Do not sit at one place constantly and keep your body moving.

Morning Walk

3. Do not smoke: Smoking increases the chances of Heart Diseases, so quit smoking as soon as possible.

4. Say ‘No’ to Stress: It is scientifically proven that Stress leads to Heart Diseases and can also cause a sudden Heart Attack. Practice meditation and be happy to keep your heart healthy.

5. Visit your Doctor Regularly: It is advisable that you get a Full Body Health Check Up done every 6 months to make sure that you are in good and sound health.

We only get one life, make sure you make the best out of it. You can follow your dreams only if you be healthy and fit and heart. Thus, keep a regular check on your Cholesterol and Blood Pressure. Include the heart Healthy Foods in your Diet and prevent heart related diseases to live a happy life.

We only get one life, make sure you make the best out of it. You can follow your dreams only if you be healthy and fit and heart. Thus, keep a regular check on your Cholesterol and Blood Pressure. Include the heart-related Healthy Foods in your Diet and prevent heart related diseases to live a happy life.

Preventive Health Checkup

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