Ways to Use Egg Masks for all Your Hair Problems!

Ways to Use Egg Masks for all Your Hair Problems!

21-07-2017   |   Posted By: Chhavi   |   4114 View(s)

Applying egg masks to hair can be wonderful as eggs are the powerhouse of proteins, vitamins, essential fatty acids, antioxidants and nutrients that repair damaged hair and provide proper nourishment to the hair.

Eggs are loaded with so many essential nutrients that it makes them one of the best ingredients for hair problems. Eggs prevent breakage and accumulation of dandruff on the scalp, make the hair strong and soft and also aid hair growth. Egg hair masks can be used in a variety of ways for different hair problems.

Here are a few different ways you can apply egg masks:

A. Egg hair mask to get soft hair

If you have frizzy hair and you are not able to manage your hair, then try this remedy to get soft and manageable hair. Just take an egg yolk and half a cup of yoghurt. Blend the ingredients properly and apply on the hair. Rinse off after 30 minutes.

Yoghurt and eggs together work best in moisturising the scalp and making the hair soft which helps in better management of the hair.



B. Egg Hair mask for conditioning:

Egg masks work as a great conditioner. To use egg for conditioning purpose, take one egg yolk and one tablespoon of olive oil. Mix the ingredients together and whisk this until it is blended properly. Then, add a little amount of lukewarm water to this mixture to dilute it. After you shampoo your hair, apply this egg conditioner to your hair. Let it sit for 2 to three minutes and then rinse off with water.

C. Egg Hair Mask for repairing damaged hair

The dust, pollution, sunlight and unhealthy lifestyle damage our hair, and then we spend so much money on products to nourish our hair. However, one can easily repair damaged hair with the help of egg hair masks.

To prepare an egg hair mask to repair damaged hair, take one egg yolk, one tablespoon each of honey and yoghurt and half a teaspoon of almond oil or coconut oil. Mix all the ingredients well in a bowl and apply on your hair. Let it stay for at least two hours and then rinse it off with cold water.

Hair Growth

D. Egg Hair Mask to treat lice problems

It is embarrassing for anyone to have lice on hair. Well, you can treat lice with the help of eggs. Take an egg yolk and one teaspoon of fresh lemon juice. Mix them well and apply on your hair. Cover your head with cellophane and let it stay for at least 6-7 hours. Rinse off using a mild shampoo and water.

E. Egg Hair Mask to boost hair growth

Hair fall is a common problem nowadays. Well, do not worry! You can try egg hair masks according to your hair type to get rid of hair fall problem.

Hair Care Tips

1. Egg Mask For Oily Hair

Take two egg whites, one tablespoon each of olive oil and honey. Mix all the ingredients together. You can change the amount of ingredients used, depending on the length of your hair. Apply the mask to your hair and scalp. Use your first two fingers to spread and apply the egg hair mask across your scalp evenly. Thereafter, wear a shower cap and allow the mask to dry. Rinse it off after 15 to 20 minutes.

2. Egg Mask for Normal Hair

Take an egg, one cup of milk and two tablespoons each of lemon juice and olive oil. Beat the egg and empty the contents into a bowl. Mix it with lemon juice, olive oil and milk. Apply the mixture properly to your hair and scalp and use a shower cap to cover your hair. Wash it off with cold water after twenty minutes.

Good Hair

3. Egg Mask for Dry Hair

If you have dry hair and are losing strands of your hair daily, then it is time to use eggs to get rid of hair fall problem. Take two egg yolks, two tablespoons olive oil and one cup of water. Add the egg yolks to a bowl and pour the olive oil. Mix the ingredients well and then add water from above. After that, apply the mask to your scalp using your first two fingers. Wear a shower cap and let the mixture stay for 15 to 20 minutes. Wash off as you usually would. You can shampoo your hair after this hair treatment.

Beautiful hair adds charm to our personality. Just using home remedies will not help you get rid of all your hair problems. You also need to take care of your diet and lifestyle habits to maintain healthy hair. Using egg masks along with eating a nutritious diet and doing regular exercise can make your dream come true of getting beautiful, long and silky hair.

Preventive Health Checkup

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