Handy Tips to Get Rid of Dark Elbow and Knees

Handy Tips to Get Rid of Dark Elbow and Knees

20-04-2015   |   Posted By: Vivek Singh   |   7874 View(s)


We regularly wash our face and clean our body to look good and stay clean. But we ignore our elbows and knees which lead to accumulation of dark cells on them. Gradually they start looking shabby, and we start feeling uncomfortable because of their colour. In that case, don’t panic, there are some natural ways that can help you to reduce those dark patches and dead cells on your elbows and knees. Want to know how to get rid of dark elbow and knee in one week? Here are some natural tips to whiten your knees and elbows.

How to Get Rid of Dark Elbow and Knee

1. Power of Lemon

Lemon juice acts as a natural bleaching agent. Regular rubbing of lemon on your elbows and knees can help you get rid of dark elbows and knees. It will reduce the patches and help in lightening the skin in some weeks only. Before going to take a bath, you can massage your elbows and knees with squashed lemon and take a bath after 20 minutes. Make it a habit of following the same method for a few weeks, and you will note the change within a week.


-Lemon and white part of Egg

Make a mixture of egg’s white part and lemon juice and massage your elbows and knees with the mixture for five to ten minutes, it will not only bring back the glow of elbows and knees but will make it smoother and glossier.

-Lemon, Honey and Oatmeal

Mix lemon juice, honey and oatmeal altogether till it becomes a fine paste and then massage your elbows and knees with the paste for five minutes and then leave it till it dries. Wash it with cold water after it dries.

 -Lemon, Glycerin and Milk

Make a fine mixture of lemon juice, glycerin and milk and massage with the mixture on your elbows and knees. Wash your elbows and knees with cold water after ten to fifteen minutes. It will bring back the lost glow

2. Turmeric and Cream Paste

Turmeric has many medicinal values, and you can make a paste of turmeric and cream and leave it on your elbows and knees for about 15 minutes. The paste will help you to get rid of the black patches on your elbows and knees. It will also make your skin smoother and softer.

3. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil contains vitamin E that lighten the skin tone by preventing dryness and keeping the skin hydrated. It also has the power to repair dark and damaged skin. Simply, massage your elbows and knees with coconut oil after each shower. Massage for one to two minutes.  Alternatively, mix one teaspoon of coconut oil with  ½ teaspoon lemon juice. Rub the mixture on your elbows and knees. Keep it on for fifteen minutes and then wipe it off with a towel.

Coconut Oil

4. Yoghurt

The lactic acid present in yoghurt helps lighten skin colour. Also, yoghurt helps in cleansing and moisturising the skin and is one of the best remedies to treat dark elbows and knees. Take one teaspoon of plain yoghurt and mix it with one teaspoon white vinegar. Mix both the ingredients to form a smooth paste. Apply the paste to the affected areas and allow it to dry. Wash it off with warm water. Pat dry and apply a moisturiser.

5. Baking Soda

How to get rid of dark elbow and knee? The answer is Baking Soda! Baking soda acts as an excellent exfoliator and removes dead skin cells effectively. Mix one tablespoon of baking soda with one tablespoon of milk. Apply the mixture to the affected areas. Massage it gently in circular motions for four to five minutes. Then, rinse it off with lukewarm water.

6. Almonds

Almonds have properties that keep nourished and helps maintain an even skin tone. Massage your knees and elbow with almond oil for about five minutes on a daily basis before going to bed. You will see your knees and elbow turning white in a few days only. Alternatively, you can also mix one tablespoon almond powder with some yoghurt and apply the mixture on knees and elbows. Let it dry and then rinse it off with cold water.

7. Mint

Mint contains a lot of volatile oils that help in maintaining an even skin tone. Take ½ cup of water and boil it with a few mint leaves. Boil it for two to three minutes. Add juice of half a lemon to it. Strain and let it cool. Take a fresh cotton ball and soak it in this solution. Now, rub the cotton ball on your knees and elbows. Let it stay for fifteen minutes and then rinse it off with warm water.

8. Turmeric

Turmeric contains curcumin which prevents pigmentation in skin, which in turn diminishes the dark spots and lightens skin over time.  Take a teaspoon of milk cream and add a little turmeric powder to it. Apply the paste to your knees and elbows. Massage for a minute or two. Wash it off with lukewarm water after 5 minutes.

Turmeric Powder

How to get rid of dark elbow and knee with turmeric? Well, just mix turmeric powder and gram flour in equal quantities. Add some rose water to it to form a smooth paste. Use this paste to massage your elbows and knees. Allow it to dry and then wash it off with lukewarm water.

9. Cucumber

The bleaching properties of cucumber helps in lightening dark elbows and knees. On top of that, cucumber removes impurities from the outer layer and keeps the skin moisturised.


How to get rid of dark elbow and knee with cucumber? Mix one tablespoon cucumber juice with one teaspoon of lemon juice. Add some turmeric powder and mix all the ingredients properly to form a smooth paste. Apply the paste to the affected areas. Keep it on for 20 minutes. Rinse it off with water.

10. Use a Moisturiser

How to get rid of dark elbow and knee? Keep your elbows and knees moisturised! Moisturizing is a very important process as it keeps your elbows and knees hydrated. So to prevent darkening and accumulation of dead cells keep moisturising your elbows and knees whenever you find them dry.

11. Pumice Stone

The reason for dark patches and darkening of elbows and knees is the continuous accumulation of dead cells in that area. Pumice stone is very helpful in removing those cells and reducing darkening of the skin. So just get clear of those dead cells by rubbing it all over and get back your happy elbows again.

12. Wear a Sunscreen

Before stepping out of your house, it is necessary to apply sunscreen on your body, especially on elbows and knees as the sun can easily cause damage to your skin and tan your elbows and knees.

Sunscreen products

13. Natural Scrubbers

Olive oil and sugar act as a natural scrubber as well as a hydrating agent for your elbows and knees. Sugar is a natural scrubber which efficiently removes the dark cells and opens the skin pores which helps in the lightening of elbows and knees. Also, olive oil helps in keeping the skin smooth.

14. Chickpea Flour and Yogurt

This combination is very effective in reducing the dark patches of your elbow and knees. This remedy removes sun tan too and helps in the lightening of the skin. Apply this paste once in a week, and this will do wonders on your elbows and knees.

15. Avoid Contact with a Rough Surface

We sometimes don’t care and sit on the floor on our knees and rub elbows on a rough surface. This also leads to darkening of your elbows and knees. So to reduce the darkening patches avoid contact with the surface as much as possible

Follow these tips to get rid of dark elbows and knees. If you know any other home remedies for dark elbows and knees, do share with us in the comments section below.

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