Hair Spa at Home: Get Lovely Locks in just 5 Steps
19-08-2017 | Posted By: Chhavi | 7397 View(s)
Hair fall, dry hair and lifeless hair are some major problems that many people deal with nowadays. But, what if someone tells you that you can get rid of all these problems just by getting a simple hair treatment at home? Wonder, how? The answer is Hair Spa! Yes, hair spa is a hair treatment that can bring your lifeless hair back to life. So, let’s know how doing hair spa at home helps in making your hair look gorgeous!
Did your hairdresser ever tell you that your hair is rough and you need a hair spa? Well, this happens most of the times when we visit a salon to get a haircut done. They are actually right! You do need a hair spa on a regular basis to make your hair healthy and strong from within. But, getting a hair spa treatment at a salon can be expensive because it’s to be done once every month. And so you feel annoyed as you know that this is something important to do, but is not cost-effective. Well, don’t you worry! We are going to share with you some easy steps to do hair spa at home! But, before we delve into that, let’s know how hair spa actually helps in keeping your hair healthy.
Benefits of Hair Spa Treatment
1.This treatment conditions the hair roots and strengthens the hair follicles, which in turn boosts hair re-growth.
2.Hair spa treatment helps in stimulating blood circulation which in turn nourishes hair follicles and roots.
3.Nowadays, there is so much pollution that the dust, impurities, contaminants and pollutants gets clogged in the pores leading to hair loss and hair damage. Hair spa treatment helps in getting rid of these pollutants, making your hair healthier and shinier.
4.You can easily repair dull, damaged and frizzy hair by taking a hair spa treatment. It is because this treatment includes oiling of hair that provides nourishment to the hair scalp and treats split ends and dry hair effectively.
5.Hair spa treatment is the best way to prevent hair fall. The hair and the head message that is an essential step in this treatment improves blood circulation and also relieves stress that in turn reduces hair fall.
In a nutshell, hair spa treatment helps in keeping your hair and scalp healthy overall. And, hence you must do this every month at least once. Don’t worry; you can do hair spa at home in simple five steps.
5 Simple Steps to do Hair Spa at Home
Step 1-
In this step, you have to warm up some olive oil or coconut oil and then massage the oil into your scalp gently using your fingertips. Massaging scalp with oil helps in increasing blood circulation and also boosts hair growth.
Step 2-
After massaging your scalp with oil, take a clean towel and dip it in warm water. Squeeze the excess water out. And then, wrap the towel around your hair properly. Doing this will allow the oil to reach deep into the scalp. This step is to be done for 5-6 minutes.
Step 3-
The next thing you need to do is wash your hair thoroughly with cold water and a mild shampoo. Make certain not to use hot water for shampooing your hair as it can damage your hair roots, causing more hair fall.
Step 4-
After you shampoo your hair, it’s time to apply a conditioner. You can make your own conditioner: Take a few tablespoons of tea leaves (depends on the length of your hair), and add a few drops of lime juice to it. Make a thin paste and apply this as a conditioner. You can also try a paste of grated beetroot to which hibiscus powder has been added. Wash off thoroughly after 30 minutes with warm water and do not shampoo.
Step 5-
To do hair spa at home, this is the last step to be followed. This step is highly essential and includes applying a hair mask. It’s best to make hair mask at home to do hair spa. Leave the hair mask on for about 20 minutes and then rinse with a mild shampoo.
Here are some Amazing Hair Masks you can Make at Home Easily:
Take two big avocados and mash it properly to form a smooth consistency. Then, add just one tablespoon of honey to it. Apply the paste on the hair from the scalp to the hair end. Leave the hair mask on just for 20 minutes and then rinse off with a mild shampoo.
Take a ripe banana and peel it off and add one egg white and a cup of olive oil to it. Put it in a blender. Apply the mask on the hair and rinse off with a mild shampoo after 20 minutes.
In a glass of raw milk, mix in one tablespoon of honey. Mix it well and apply all over your hair and massage gently. Rinse properly with lukewarm water and a mild shampoo after 15 minutes.
Take one cup of mashed strawberries, one egg yolk and two tablespoons of olive oil. Blend the ingredients thoroughly and apply the mask to your hair. Let the mask sit on your hair for 15 minutes. Rinse off with a mild shampoo.
Simply take a little bit of honey and massage it into damp hair. Let honey stay on your hair for 15 minutes. Then, Use a mild shampoo to wash it off.
Take one teaspoon of honey, one tablespoon of fenugreek seeds and three tablespoons of curd. Mix all the ingredients. Apply the hair mask on your hair. Wash it off after twenty minutes with a mild shampoo.
Take a ripe banana, a teaspoon of honey, a few mint leaves and a little bit of onion juice. Properly, mix these ingredients to form a smooth paste and then apply the mixture on your scalp and hair properly. Wash it off after twenty minutes with a mild shampoo.
So, that’s it. These easy five steps will complete your hair spa treatment at home, and you will not need to visit a salon every month for getting a hair spa. Make sure you do hair spa treatment once a month to get healthy, soft and shiny hair.