Best way to shave legs!
24-09-2016 | Posted By: Admin | 3256 View(s)
Let not delayed salon appointments stop you from having those smooth and sexy legs. Pick up the best razor from the store and get started. If shaving bumps are stopping you from picking the razor, then you must not have done it the right way earlier. To get that perfect shave, it is important to follow some do’s and don’ts. Shaving is one of the easiest ways to achieve hairless legs and arms. If done correctly, shaving can give long-lasting smoothness along with a healthy glow. Here we discuss the best way to shave legs.
Getting started with the Best way to Shave Legs:
The first thing that you need to do is massage your legs well with some skin-softening oil. Almond oil and olive oil work wonder when it comes to softening the skin. The massage will improve the blood circulation and soften the dead skins which need to slough off. You may or may not steam your legs after the massage. It is optional. The next thing that you need to do is scrub your legs thoroughly. Use sugar scrub or any other kind of scrub available in the market. The scrub removes any dead skin and prevents ingrown hair. The scrub prepares your skin for the shave.
After the scrubbing, slather your legs with your favourite shaving lotion or conditioner. Let the lotion work on your hair and skin. After a couple of minutes start shaving your legs. Use long strokes of the razor instead of multiple strokes. This technique prevents nicks and cuts. Avoid shaving the same area twice. Dip the razor in hot water time and again to cleanse the hair that gets stuck. You may also keep it under the running water to clean it up. Once you are done, rinse your feet and wipe it with a towel. Moisturize with a gentle moisturiser. Keep it off harsh products as after shaving your skin will be sensitive and prone to infection easily. A wrong product might make your legs itch all day. If you shave your legs following the above steps, your legs will look smooth and sexy and will earn you compliments.
What not to do during Shaving:
There are certain things that you should never do while shaving. Never shave your legs without any conditioner or shaving lotion. It increases chances of nicks and cuts and does not help you in getting smooth legs. Try keeping your razor dry and clean to prevent infection. If you are using disposable razors, then do not try using them the second time. Try not to scrub your legs after shaving, at least for a day. It will simply agitate your skin. Try using an antiseptic cream instead of regular skin lotion after you are done with shaving. If you have some unwanted hair on your legs, and you are tempted to get rid of them then gently shave them off but do not use hair removal or waxing techniques. After shaving your skin is delicate and the skin will get irritated.
Bust the myths for sleek and smooth legs!
There are too many myths associated with shaving, for example, it is said that it causes darkening of the skin or causes thicker hair growth. Shaving removes dead skin cells in the process if done correctly. It cannot produce more abundant hair growth. Our hair follicles are all the same size. They just appear thicker for some time as shaving doesn’t uproot the hair but just shaves them off the surface. If done the right way, shaving is one of the most economical ways to the hair-free smooth skin. So next time you are in no mood for painful waxing sessions at the salon, and having learnt the tricks for the best way to shave legs, pick up your razors and get started with shaving for the perfectly smooth legs that make heads turn.