Best Home Made Face Packs for Glowing Skin
07-02-2017 | Posted By: Admin | 7827 View(s)
Everyone dreams of having a picture perfect, glowing skin and to accomplish this dream, they try various beauty products available in the market, without knowing that these products contain harmful chemicals that can damage their skin. Not only women but these days even men use various cosmetic products to get flawless, smooth skin. It is obvious that everyone wants to enhance their personality and thus they want to look beautiful and handsome so that they can create a good first impression on others. However, these cosmetic products have harsh chemicals and bleach present in them which harms the skin and makes it looks dark. Also, after using these products for a while, your skin will start looking dull and tired. There are many causes of dark and dull skin such as pollution, exposure to Ultra Violet Rays, unhealthy diet, stress and lack of hygiene. But, you don’t need to worry at all now. We are going to tell you some of the amazing Home Made Face Packs which will bring a glow to your face instantly and rejuvenate your skin and are also cost-effective.
Easy to make Home Made Face Packs for Glowing Skin
• Turmeric and Gram Flour Face Pack
Turmeric is an old age remedy to get instant fairness. It is a natural antiseptic and treats skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis; it also reduces pimples and acne. Gram flour, also called ‘Besan’ helps in the removal of dark patches and suntan and increases skin fairness.
Turmeric Ingredients: – Turmeric, Gram Flour and Milk
Take one tablespoon of turmeric paste, gram flour and milk; mix all the ingredients till they blend well. Apply it on your face. Make sure that your hands are clean. Leave it for 15 minutes and then wash your face with plain water and pat with a clean cotton towel. Try this remedy once a week for best results.
• Honey and Papaya Face Pack
Honey has antibacterial properties and contains a lot of antioxidants which helps in preventing acne and nourishes the skin. Papaya contains papain which helps in renewing the skin. Also, it is loaded with vitamins A, C and E which protects the skin against infection moisturises it and reduce suntan.
Ingredients: – ½ cup Ripe Papaya, 1 teaspoon Honey
Mash the papaya to form a thick, smooth paste and add one teaspoon of Honey to it. Mix well and apply on clean face. Leave it for 20 minutes and then wash off with water. Try this Home Made Face Pack twice a week for the best results.
• Home Made Face Packs from Tomato and Cucumber
Tomatoes can be found in all seasons in every household as it is widely used in the kitchen. But, most of us don’t know the magic tomato can do to our skin. Tomatoes contain the antioxidant- lycopene which acts as a natural sunscreen and also treats sunburns. On the other hand, Cucumber improves the complexion of the skin by removing pigmentation, blemishes and scars. It is also an effective remedy to treat dark circles under eyes. This is one of the best Home Made Face Pack to remove suntan and sunburns.
Ingredients: – 1 tomato, ½ Peeled Cucumber
Firstly, mash the tomato to form a smooth paste. Then, grate the ½ cucumber and blend it well with the tomato paste. Apply the paste on clean face and leave it for 20 minutes. Then, wash off with water.
Read More : Body polishing at home with easy Home Remedies
• Walnut and Milk Cream Face Pack
We all love the taste of Walnuts, don’t we? Well, they just don’t taste good, but can also help in improving your skin health. Walnuts are rich in vitamin B and E and also contain antioxidants, which helps in nourishing the skin from within, reinvigorate damaged cells and improves regeneration of new cells, thus leading to the fairer complexion. Milk cream or “Malai” is considered to be the best natural moisturiser for a dry and flaky skin. It also helps in improving skin tone and treating dark circles under the eyes.
Ingredients: – 4-5 Walnuts, 1 Tablespoon Milk Cream
Soak the walnuts in water for 1 hour. Then, mash them into a thick paste. Mix walnut paste and milk cream and blend it well. Apply the paste on clean face and neck. Massage in a circular motion for 5 minutes and then leave it on the face for 20 minutes. Rinse off with water. This homemade face pack can be really effective.
• Almond and Milk Face Pack
Almond is rich in proteins, and Vitamin E, which helps in keeping the skin stay hydrated and also prevents cell damage. Thus, you can use this Face Pack to nourish your skin and get an instant glow. If you have oily skin, you can apply this Face Pack twice a week.
Ingredients: – 3-4 Almonds, A cup of milk
Soak 3-4 almonds in the morning in the milk. Mash these almonds in the milk at night and form a thick, fine paste. Apply it on clean, dry face and wash off with cold water the next morning. This mask will give you a smooth and nourishing skin.
• Banana and Honey Face Mask
Banana has some vital nutrients and vitamins which delay the ageing process and protect our skin from skin radicals. Also, Banana helps in giving instant fairness and glow to the skin. So, buy some bananas today and use it to keep both your body and skin healthy. Apply this Home Made Face Pack to get a soft and smooth skin.
Ingredients- 1 Ripe Banana, 1 tablespoon of Honey, 1 tablespoon of Lemon Juice
Take a ripe banana and mash it with a spoon or a fork till it forms a smooth lump free pulp. Add 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and mix the ingredients thoroughly. Apply the mask on clean face with clean hands. Leave the Pack on the face for 10-15 minutes and then rinse off your face with lukewarm water. Do not apply any soap after that.
Few Skin Care Tips:
Apart from using the above-mentioned Homemade Face Packs, we must also take care of our skin by following the below points
• Maintain a Healthy Diet. Avoid junk foods and sugary drinks. Take plenty of fruits, salads and green, leafy vegetables to keep your skin healthy.
• Drink plenty of water. If you read Beauty Mantras of any beautiful Actor, you will find that they drink plenty of water. Thus, drink at least 8-10 glass of water every day.
• Keep Calm and Stay Beautiful! Stress affects your overall body and health, and it also tends to affect your skin. Thus, avoid taking stress to have a beautiful life and a healthy skin.
• Exercise. Exercise helps in increasing the blood flow, which in turn opens the pores of the skin and nourishes it. Thus, exercise daily for half an hour.
• Experiment, but not way too much! We all become so excited whenever any new product comes in the market, and without any knowledge, we start using it. But, we must know that every product does not suit every skin type. So, if you want to experiment, you can. However, always keep in mind that you must buy those products which suit you.
• Avoid Sun Exposure. It is obvious that you cannot avoid the scorching heat always, however, whenever going out; do not forget to use a sunscreen with a high SPF. Also, wear long-sleeved dresses in the summers to protect yourself from harmful rays.
• Clean and Moisturise Regularly. You must clean and moisturise your body regularly to nourish it and make it healthy.
So now your dream of getting gorgeous, beautiful skin will surely come true if you apply these Home Made Face Packs and follow the tips mentioned above. However, if the homemade face packs cause any issues then do not hesitate to get in touch with a Dermatologist.