Ten Effective Rules of Good Parenting

Ten Effective Rules of Good Parenting

16-12-2015   |   Posted By: Admin   |   3172 View(s)

Everyone wants their children to be best in all spheres, be it their school or their neighbourhood, academics or sports, but it will never be possible if you don’t make your solemn efforts. All know that children represent their family, their parents and good parenting decide the fate and future of their life. By following some golden rules of Good Parenting, you can help your children grow in a perfect and nourishing way to compete in the global arena.

Here are 10 Effective Rules for  Good Parenting

1.Change Yourself First

Before expecting any ethical values or character of a high standard from your child, you need to change yourself too because children learn each and everything from their parents and follow the same. Book knowledge is not enough for your child, and books can’t teach everything to your child. You need to teach them many things since some things are possible only if they are adopted in behaviour. Coming home from the office in late-night, watching excessive TV till late night, quarrelling in the home before your child, etc. are some, of the things which you must avoid.

2.Know the Meaning of True Love

Usually, people think that loving child means that every wish of their children should be fulfilled but that is not true. If you reward your child with everything that he wishes for, it will be nothing more than your stupidity. Don’t be blind while it is the concern of loving your child. Don’t merely try to be good parents just by fulfilling every need of your child. Give them what they need and not what they want.

3.Know how to deal with Haughtiness of Children

Many times, children make a wish for something to their parents and parents refuse to their children to get that and sometimes scold too because they think, the particular thing will make a negative impact on their children. In such a case, if they are not provided with the same, parents turn into the bad guy for the children. Children sometimes will cry, but parents need to be patient and don’t need to rebuke them. You need to make your kids understand why the particular thing is not good for them and try to search for any other option instead.

4.Understand the necessity of Discipline

It has been well said that ‘discipline is the key to success’ and this quote is applicable to all creatures of this planet. Without discipline, parenting is imperfect and incomplete. Bringing your children under discipline doesn’t mean to make them follow a strict routine and to scold and beat them if they don’t follow that. Discipline means to behave in a decent manner and accomplish the work on time and understand responsibility. Keeping them under strict watch will make them rebellion, so you have to let them be spontaneous.

5.Be Communicative

Communication is an essential part of good parenting and plays a vital role in the enhancement of children’s personality. Communicate openly with your child about their relevant concerns. Know their views and let them opine their understandings. It will make your children understand you and the circumstances of home.

6.Give Optimum time to your Children

In the current scenario, husband and wife work and that is the reason they are not able to give optimum time to their children. Parents nowadays hire caretakers for their children but leaving everything on caretakers can diminish the overall development of your child. If you have kids, you need to be part of their life too, and you can do it just by taking out some time from your professional life and sharing that with your child.

7.Respect their Freedom

Parent’s advice and suggestions are very necessary for children and help achieve the goal of their life. Most of the time, parents desire their children to be what they want them to be without asking their choice. Despite being indifferent, it might be possible that your kids achieve the goal what you have set for them and this might be a subject of pride and happiness for you, but your children’s rest of the life will be nothing more than a curse. Therefore, the basics of good parenting are to respect their freedom and ask them what they want to be.

8.Let them take the Decision and decide their Goal

Children are always children for parents, and this notion makes parents think that their children can’t make decisions on their own. Parents think that their children don’t know what is right and what is wrong.But, Parents need to understand that when their children grow mature they can surely give their suggestions to the children, but must also give them the liberty to take their decisions on their own. It improves the decision-making ability of the children

9.Never compare to other Kids

This is the filthiest habit of parents to always compare their children to their friend’s children or children living in their neighbourhood. Every child is unique in characteristics, and if you compare them to other children, it will weaken their self-confidence.  It might be possible that the child of your neighbour is good in studies, but your child too might be good at sports or singing or dancing. Try to find out the talent of your child and facilitate them according to that.

10.Teach them Ethical Values

Home is the first school of child and he learns, everything at his home from his parents. Be it a matter of social or moral etiquettes or walking and talking sense. Schools can’t nurture each and everything in children. It is the responsibility of parents too to help their children grow in a healthy environment. The parent also needs to make their determinations to teach their children healthy habits like giving respect to elders, keeping home and surroundings clean, saving electricity, not wasting food, loving nature viz. plants and animals and much more. These habits will make him a socially responsible person.

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